Cialis a couple beers and 1mg of Xanax. You'll get tired of fuckin!
Cialis a couple beers and 1mg of Xanax. You'll get tired of fuckin!
Dude, make sure you are not watching porn and masterbating. Those habits will create a highway for your brain from stimulation to ejaculation. Instead of the nice trail ride to a magical view that sex should be. lol Dead serious. I am 23. I have/had the same issue. You need to reboot your brains chemical reward/pleasure cascade.
Your Brain On Porn | Evolution has not prepared your brain for today's Internet porn
Sexual monsters are destroyed by porn. Not saying thats your issue. But it was relevant to me so I thought I would share. I rebooted myself and my sexual functioning improved tons in every category. Also consistency with working out helps.
I normally disagree with refraining from healthy masturbation, but I do agree that a man can certainly "train" himself in ejaculating quickly.
I personally have trained myself to wait for her to have a couple orgasms before I can get some sleep. It takes time, but certainly doable.![]()
My .02c![]()