Transform And Sculpture 16 Weeks Cycle, Critique Please


New member

Its been a long time, since i've logged in here (4 yrs. to be exact) :)

This forum, & its members were the ground foundation of my sculpture & physique I was dreaming at achieving in my life & going beyond, hopefully.

I've constructed this cycle based on several trails of my previous cycles & reading up here & over the net. I've gone through 4 cycles to be exact, two of these were outlined here :

The rest were 2 cutting cycles (Test Prop. 100mgs @ 300mgs/wk + Tren A. 100mgs @ 300mgs/wk 8 weeks long) both done over the course of last 2 years, one was in 2011. 2nd was in Oct. 2013 (pre-contest).

In between those cycles I experimented with some peptides (HGH & IGF-1 LR3 as standalone for both) and noted how my body reacts to them, respectively.

Unfortunately, I was disqualified on the pre-judging (bad flu case lasted for 2 week pre-contest) , but I competed anyway :) due to my size/weight was way too low for the class I was at (80-90 Kgs), I was (91 Kgs) prior to contest, weight-in day was (84 Kgs) that had a major impact on my physique.

With that intro. in place, let the carnage begin ;)

(-----Stats & Background-----)

Age: 38 years
Height: 180cm (5'10)
Wight: 84Kgs (185.188 lbs)
Body Fat: 10% - 12% (estimated using a digital caliber)
Body Type: Mesomorph
Training: 7+ years
Previous AAS Cycle: Mentioned Above

Goals: Transform, Sculpture & Gain As Lean As I Can.
Reason Of AAS Choice : Everybody reacts differently to components (bloat, water retention ... etc.), based on my previous cycles these are more compatible
(Open to Change & Debate)

* Note: Blood Tests are always conducted prior/post cycles.


Duration: 16 Wks

Wk 1-12 Sustanon250 750mg ew (1ml x 3/week)
Wk 1-12 Trenbolone Enanthate 400mg ew (1ml x 2/week)
Wk 8-16 IGF1-LR3 40mcg ed
Wk 13-16 Testosterone Propionate 300mg ew (1ml x 3/week)
Wk 13-16 Masteron 200mg ew (1ml x 2/week)
Wk 13-16 Anavar 40mg ed
Wk 1-15 HCG 500iu ew

Arimidex Is @ hand in case of any messy stuff, along with Nolvadex, Proviron & Caber.

Wk 17-20 Nolvadex 40/40/20/20

(-----Training & Diet-----)

Diet : Cal. Range 2700 - 3050 Lean & Clean as always, one cheat day with family gathering still within clean as possible ,almost :bigok:

Training : 5 days split (muscle a day with emphasis on lagging parts + 30-45 min LIIT cardio) with Weekends off.

Thank you, Love to hear out your thoughts & comments

* Note : Attached is my pic. 3 days post contest & still lean as we speak View attachment 556651
run the igf during your PCT IMO
no point in doing mast and var for so little time just drop those

i prefer tren a so you can drop it if you get sides but if ur okay with that then go for it