Transitional Macros Or Take a Break


New member
Im currently 4 weeks into a summer cut prep plan thats 8weeks low carb plenty of cardio postw cardio (20-40 mins) and very high protein, average macros P=330 C=80 F=55 split across 7/8 meals using t3 100mcg ed, dbol30-50mg ed (6wks),1/2mg adex X2 wk, clen 120 (wks 2-4, 6-8). I planned to only use dbol for 1st 2 weeks but decided to extend due to gr8 results and tip the t3 more toward fat burning( in retrospect I should have gone with test but no time now). I plan on using this diet or something similar until march when ill start a proper shredding cycle I have planned.

Ive done this diet NATTY with more cardio and stricter dieting (30g carbs) for 14 weeks recently and found When my BF dropped below 12% I became very Ill with the flu and a chest infection which took for ever to go away. Are these macros O.K to run when my B.f % drops below 15 or was I just unlucky to get severly ill? Obviously my immune system will drop after such a long time being calorie deficient. But have I got to change my diet to more carbs or calories or just take a break from it and come back to it in a few weeks? I eat plenty of Broccoli but no fruit.


Age- 26
BF - 18/15 EST ( was about 30 4/5 weeks ago)
Weight - 220/217 (220 4 wks ago)
Height- 5 8 ish
Years lifting - 13
Goal - 220 lb 5% bf ( not on this course obvs)