Tren A and test prop cycle


New member
Hi, I'm completely new to steroids so please excuse me. I'm 23, 6ft and weigh 84kgs (185lbs). I have been training clean for about 3 years with mediocre size gains and I feel I'm the point now where I know enough about lifting to try anabolic.

I've been doing a lot of research and the products I am set on is Tren A and test prop,
8 weeks Tren A on 50mg EOD
12 weeks on Test Prop on 100mg EOD

So my questions are,
Is this dosage okay for a complete newbie of steroid use?
Do I need to take oestrogen blockers? How much? When?
PCT, when do I start it, how long for? Any recommendations?
Is there anything else I should take when on this cycle?

I know I've just bombarded you with questions but I just want to be absolutely sure I am aware of EVERYTHING before I start.

absolutely not. if it is your first cycle you already will gain much with test only cycle.

testosterone enanthate 250 mg twice a week, arimidex 0.5 mg eod, hcg 250 iu twice a week. 12 weeks cycle. do not use tren if youre not doing this as a job because it is not like test. it is harsh to the body.
Welcome to Ology--the study of steroids.

6 ft 185 that s a good base.
23 is young. Some will to young and u can and should achieve more before taking AAS . I m one of them but I hate a hypocrite and I did it too but that's not an endorsement just a statement of fact..

To say you want to know everything is a bold statement if not risky in this forum.
Tren A for a beginner is NOT acceptable. Prop for a 1st time is also not ideal due to frequent pinning and next you will be asking about why you can t walk.

Study up on-
Long estered AAS vs short.
Prolactin sides
Testicular atrophy
HPTA shutdown

And why a 12 week run of test e is much more sensible....and then you ll scratch the surface of this very intricate dance with your over all well being.
Just trying to be the good guy here, OK ?
I did read that it can have bad side effects, but most will not experience anything. So you just think test on its own? And specific test?
Welcome to Ology--the study of steroids.

6 ft 185 that s a good base.
23 is young. Some will to young and u can and should achieve more before taking AAS . I m one of them but I hate a hypocrite and I did it too but that's not an endorsement just a statement of fact..

To say you want to know everything is a bold statement if not risky in this forum.
Tren A for a beginner is NOT acceptable. Prop for a 1st time is also not ideal due to frequent pinning and next you will be asking about why you can t walk.

Study up on-
Long estered AAS vs short.
Prolactin sides
Testicular atrophy
HPTA shutdown

And why a 12 week run of test e is much more sensible....and then you ll scratch the surface of this very intricate dance with your over all well being.
Just trying to be the good guy here, OK ?

You seem like you know what your on about, all my information is from online. If you think this is not a good cycle for me to take, what do you recommend? I need to maintain cardiovascular fitness for my job (I am very fit and can afford to slow down a bit) and in some ways I see this restricting me on what substances I can take.
absolutely not. if it is your first cycle you already will gain much with test only cycle.

testosterone enanthate 250 mg twice a week, arimidex 0.5 mg eod, hcg 250 iu twice a week. 12 weeks cycle. do not use tren if youre not doing this as a job because it is not like test. it is harsh to the body.

Thanks I will look into this,
Although not smart my first cycle was at your age. Test only with a pct of clomid and nolva. Had no idea about HCG back then. I can't tell you to wait, but what I can tell you is that if you don't, an excellent dose for you would be 300mg/ week with 250iu of HCG pinned on the same days as your test e, which should be every 3.5 days. So 300mg test and 500iu HCG per week. If you were not pinning the HCG I'd say you wouldn't have much aromatisation going on at that dose over a 12 week period, but HCG will change that, so you need an AI, my preference would be Aromasin starting at 12.5mg/day. If you look watery, and have oily skin you may need to up it to 25mg/day. Those are the initial signs of high e2 for many. There are others you need to be aware of and you will when you learn your body

PCT. 2 weeks after your last pin it's time to start. My preference would by 30-50mg/day of clomid with 60mg/day of Torem (or 40mg of tamoxifen) per day for 4 weeks.

That's my .02 cents. Less is more with steroids. Stay away from tren until there is no looking back. Too strong and will shut you down and make your life miserable. I love the stuff but I'm on TRT and can now sprinkle the stuff on my Cheerios and dance the jig.
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absolutely not. if it is your first cycle you already will gain much with test only cycle.

testosterone enanthate 250 mg twice a week, arimidex 0.5 mg eod, hcg 250 iu twice a week. 12 weeks cycle. do not use tren if youre not doing this as a job because it is not like test. it is harsh to the body.

Quite possibly my fav avi..least of late. Love perfect ass, thighs and waiste.

I like nice Tit s too and they are good to have...but like A/C on badass car they rarely enhance performance...that girl s p e r f e c t bueno..sehr gut !!!!!!
Although not smart my first cycle was at your age. Test only with a pct of clomid and nolva. Had no idea about HCG back then. I can't tell you to wait, but what I can tell you is that if you don't, an excellent dose for you would be 300mg/ week with 250iu of HCG pinned on the same days as your test e, which should be every 3.5 days. So 300mg test and 500iu HCG per week. If you were not pinning the HCG I'd say you wouldn't have much aromatisation going on at that dose over a 12 week period, but HCG will change that, so you need an AI, my preference would be Aromasin starting at 12.5mg/day. If you look watery, and have oily skin you may need to up it to 25mg/day. Those are the initial signs of high e2 for many. There are others you need to be aware of and you will when you learn your body

PCT. 2 weeks after your last pin it's time to start. My preference would by 30-50mg/day of clomid with 60mg/day of Torem (or 40mg of tamoxifen) per day for 4 weeks.

That's my .02 cents. Less is more with steroids. Stay away from tren until there is no looking back. Too strong and will shut you down and make your life miserable. I love the stuff but I'm on TRT and can now sprinkle the stuff on my Cheerios and dance the jig.[/QUOTE

So you recommend 300 mg test e and 500iu of hcg? What is hcg? And what's IU?
I will be injecting if that's what you mean by pinning
Read the ology faq's thread. If you did any amount of research, you would know this is a terrible idea for a first cycle...
You need to do your own research. I'm not going to hold your hand any further than I have.

Although not smart my first cycle was at your age. Test only with a pct of clomid and nolva. Had no idea about HCG back then. I can't tell you to wait, but what I can tell you is that if you don't, an excellent dose for you would be 300mg/ week with 250iu of HCG pinned on the same days as your test e, which should be every 3.5 days. So 300mg test and 500iu HCG per week. If you were not pinning the HCG I'd say you wouldn't have much aromatisation going on at that dose over a 12 week period, but HCG will change that, so you need an AI, my preference would be Aromasin starting at 12.5mg/day. If you look watery, and have oily skin you may need to up it to 25mg/day. Those are the initial signs of high e2 for many. There are others you need to be aware of and you will when you learn your body

PCT. 2 weeks after your last pin it's time to start. My preference would by 30-50mg/day of clomid with 60mg/day of Torem (or 40mg of tamoxifen) per day for 4 weeks.

That's my .02 cents. Less is more with steroids. Stay away from tren until there is no looking back. Too strong and will shut you down and make your life miserable. I love the stuff but I'm on TRT and can now sprinkle the stuff on my Cheerios and dance the jig.[/QUOTE

So you recommend 300 mg test e and 500iu of hcg? What is hcg? And what's IU?
I will be injecting if that's what you mean by pinning