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Hey guys I'm looking for some critique on my cycle. Any advice at all.
Height: 6'0
Weight: 180
I've previously ran 2 cycles the first being Dbol/Test e (12 weeks) 2 years ago and test prop/tren ace (14 weeks) close to a year ago. I did get flared up gyno during both.. The second cycle i ran letro and it only helped slightly.
I have since then lost a fair bit of my weight due to the work Im involved in but now i have a long streak of uninterupted gym time to get big again.
I currently have:
10 ml test prop 100mg/1ml (from previous cycle)
40ml test e 250mg/ml
40ml tren ace 150mg/ml
I was thinking of doing something like this,
Test prop - week 1-3 - 100mg eod
Test e - week 1-12 - 250mg M/Thurs
Tren a - week 1-12 - 75mg Ed
I've read that Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) can worsen the effects of gyno, if so, would having caber counter this which allows me to still run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout the cycle?
What are people opinions on running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like arimidex throughout the cycle?
Should i have caber on hand or take it throughout the cycle?
Also i'd like to hear peoples opinions on what to run for post cycle therapy (pct). There are so many different views for this.
Height: 6'0
Weight: 180
I've previously ran 2 cycles the first being Dbol/Test e (12 weeks) 2 years ago and test prop/tren ace (14 weeks) close to a year ago. I did get flared up gyno during both.. The second cycle i ran letro and it only helped slightly.
I have since then lost a fair bit of my weight due to the work Im involved in but now i have a long streak of uninterupted gym time to get big again.
I currently have:
10 ml test prop 100mg/1ml (from previous cycle)
40ml test e 250mg/ml
40ml tren ace 150mg/ml
I was thinking of doing something like this,
Test prop - week 1-3 - 100mg eod
Test e - week 1-12 - 250mg M/Thurs
Tren a - week 1-12 - 75mg Ed
I've read that Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) can worsen the effects of gyno, if so, would having caber counter this which allows me to still run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout the cycle?
What are people opinions on running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like arimidex throughout the cycle?
Should i have caber on hand or take it throughout the cycle?
Also i'd like to hear peoples opinions on what to run for post cycle therapy (pct). There are so many different views for this.