Tren A/Test E Cycle

Hey guys I'm looking for some critique on my cycle. Any advice at all.

Height: 6'0
Weight: 180

I've previously ran 2 cycles the first being Dbol/Test e (12 weeks) 2 years ago and test prop/tren ace (14 weeks) close to a year ago. I did get flared up gyno during both.. The second cycle i ran letro and it only helped slightly.

I have since then lost a fair bit of my weight due to the work Im involved in but now i have a long streak of uninterupted gym time to get big again.

I currently have:

10 ml test prop 100mg/1ml (from previous cycle)
40ml test e 250mg/ml
40ml tren ace 150mg/ml

I was thinking of doing something like this,

Test prop - week 1-3 - 100mg eod
Test e - week 1-12 - 250mg M/Thurs
Tren a - week 1-12 - 75mg Ed

I've read that Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) can worsen the effects of gyno, if so, would having caber counter this which allows me to still run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout the cycle?

What are people opinions on running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like arimidex throughout the cycle?

Should i have caber on hand or take it throughout the cycle?

Also i'd like to hear peoples opinions on what to run for post cycle therapy (pct). There are so many different views for this.

Test e/ Tren ace cycle

Hey guys I'm looking for some critique on my cycle. Any advice at all.

Height: 6'0
Weight: 180

I've previously ran 2 cycles the first being Dbol/Test e (12 weeks) 2 years ago and test prop/tren ace (14 weeks) close to a year ago. I did get flared up gyno during both.. The second cycle i ran letro and it only helped slightly.

I have since then lost a fair bit of my weight due to the work Im involved in but now i have a long streak of uninterupted gym time to get big again.

I currently have:

10 ml test prop 100mg/1ml (from previous cycle)
40ml test e 250mg/ml
40ml tren ace 150mg/ml

I was thinking of doing something like this,

Test prop - week 1-3 - 100mg eod
Test e - week 1-12 - 250mg M/Thurs
Tren a - week 1-12 - 75mg Ed

I've read that Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) can worsen the effects of gyno, if so, would having caber counter this which allows me to still run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) throughout the cycle?

What are people opinions on running an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like arimidex throughout the cycle?

Should i have caber on hand or take it throughout the cycle?

Also i'd like to hear peoples opinions on what to run for post cycle therapy (pct). There are so many different views for this.

Bro, you're 6'0 180 after 2 cycles with one of those having tren in it. And you're 22! Do yourself a favor and just get your diet up to par. This is wrong.
caber won't counter gyno caused by the hcg. you need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and a dopamine agonist both to deal with the estrogen from the test/hcg and the prolactin from the tren.

i like torem only for pct myself, but a lot of people have never tried it and will tell you clomid.
What would you take for a dopamine agonist ?

I have arimidex on hand to run at 0.25 eod but would i need to bother running caber throughout the cycle or just have it on hand just incase. I really dont want my nipples to pop out again.
I was 211lbs like 7-8 months ago. I had to live out bush for 4 months out of the last 7 eating nothing but shit and working my ass off in the sun all day. It wasnt planned hence why i cycled just before it not knowing it would be wasted.

My diet is fine.
Bro, you're 6'0 180 after 2 cycles with one of those having tren in it. And you're 22! Do yourself a favor and just get your diet up to par. This is wrong.

I am in 100% agreement with this.


the fact that you're asking opinions about if you should run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle?? ALWAYS run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle....this is obviously why you've had gyno problems in the past.

Lets take a look at your cycle....

You're going to be pinning Prop EOD...but Ace every day??? that is pointless.

Instead of pinning ace 75mg Ed, just pin 150 EOD with your 100mg of Prop...same pin.

My second question is......why run a long esther Test with Tren ace? your best bet is to just stick with Prop the whole way through. Prop/ace is one of the best cycles out there IMO and you get way less bloat from prop that you do from Enth.

You're 22 years old....way to young to be on gear but whats done is done.

I think you need to harness your natty test levels now why you're young and EAT!

I really don't think you have any business running Tren. I'm sure you will end up running this cycle anyways no matter what everyone here will tell you, but i would definately change the few things I pointed out.

I am currently half way through my test Prop/Tren ace cycle. you may want to take a look at it so you know how to set something up, but again my advice is to wait and learn.

my cycle is here
Bro, you're 6'0 180 after 2 cycles with one of those having tren in it. And you're 22! Do yourself a favor and just get your diet up to par. This is wrong.

Yeah man! hate to bash but he's right. Too young-plus you're doing something wrong if you're 180 @ 6'0 with 2 cycles under your belt. So that means you started at 20. Bad idea.
I am in 100% agreement with this.


the fact that you're asking opinions about if you should run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle?? ALWAYS run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on cycle....this is obviously why you've had gyno problems in the past.

Lets take a look at your cycle....

You're going to be pinning Prop EOD...but Ace every day??? that is pointless.

Instead of pinning ace 75mg Ed, just pin 150 EOD with your 100mg of Prop...same pin.

My second question is......why run a long esther Test with Tren ace? your best bet is to just stick with Prop the whole way through. Prop/ace is one of the best cycles out there IMO and you get way less bloat from prop that you do from Enth.

You're 22 years old....way to young to be on gear but whats done is done.

I think you need to harness your natty test levels now why you're young and EAT!

I really don't think you have any business running Tren. I'm sure you will end up running this cycle anyways no matter what everyone here will tell you, but i would definately change the few things I pointed out.

I am currently half way through my test Prop/Tren ace cycle. you may want to take a look at it so you know how to set something up, but again my advice is to wait and learn.

my cycle is here

There is nothing wrong with running Test E with Tren Ace. The reason for running ace is just in case the sides are too harsh the short ester will allow you to be in the clear alot sooner than running a Tren E etc.

ALot smarter especially if it's your first time running tren and or running different doses.

My .02
Bro, you're 6'0 180 after 2 cycles with one of those having tren in it. And you're 22! Do yourself a favor and just get your diet up to par. This is wrong.

These guys are correct. Thats all there is to say since you've already gone and done two cycles. Darkside was spot on. But of course you don't want to hear any of this shit.
These guys are correct. Thats all there is to say since you've already gone and done two cycles. Darkside was spot on. But of course you don't want to hear any of this shit.

Man on my other board which i can't say cause it would source. You would get BANNED. LOL.