Tren Ace


New member
Hey boys, i've done a couple of tren ace conversions within the last six months....for some reason its coming out really really "copper" in colour? My "raw" source is the same....and my conversions used to come out nice and golden? Now even afeter filtering thru a 0.2 filter i still get black floaty's?? Any ideas why this is happening?

Thanks guys
oxidation/humidity.. either is possible.. I've had dark amber like a reddish brown a neon yellow.. all were equally as good.
as for the black floaters.. what color is the septum in your vial (the rubber piece) Chances are, it's the 18g cannon your using to do the filtering with.. it cuts little chunks out of the septum.. That's the reason I also use separate p-i-ns.. 3 in total when filtering.. switching between two of them.. the third being the vial vent.
one being attached to the s-y-r-i-n-g-e f-i-l-t-e-r and always stuck through the septum.. the other I take off after drawing up from the pre-filter vial.. unscrew the p-i-n and screw the case back on the s-y-r-i-n-g-e f-i-l-t-e-r/p-i-n that is still in the vial..

this way you only go through the septum twice.. once with the vent p-i-n and once with the filtering p-i-n..

hope that made sense
GATOR98 said:
Hey boys, i've done a couple of tren ace conversions within the last six months....for some reason its coming out really really "copper" in colour? My "raw" source is the same....and my conversions used to come out nice and golden? Now even afeter filtering thru a 0.2 filter i still get black floaty's?? Any ideas why this is happening?

Thanks guys

I think I know what your bloack floatys are. i had the same thing happen to me and then I made an adjustment in my formulation and no more black floatys.
Heres when i concluded I was heating my tren acetate to a temp that was well beyond its melting poit which is Approx 96 degreee C. I was heating to like 130 . I think that was enough energy to degradate some of the hoemone hence the black floatys.
I tried the same process again only heated it to between 95 and 100 degrees C came out clear no floatys. Get your self a hotplate Bro then calibrate it use about 10 to 20 ml of the oil your formulate in and take readings at each setting to get a general idea of where each setting heats too. Since i have done this my formulations have been Money! water base and oil base. It was really helpful in making sustanone because each ester in that four ester formulation has a different melting point.

I hope this helps

yeh, my first batch was a golden amber color. This last batch was nearly redish-brown...too much heat i think. As said above, i hope it works equally as good as the first
The heat has some effect, but it's only plays a small role..

It's definately oxidization...

I've experianced the same sort of thing.. early batches are yellow with a tint of green... later batches rust brown in colour.

Now I keep all my shit in air tight containers and in the freezer, and the color from batch to batch is the same more or less.. tren enan being more brownish in colour then tren ace. And that colour is determined primarily with how well and how long your product sat around at your suppliers.

as for black floaties, can't say I experienced that, but i have noticed a few batches of tren which did have more floaties and undissolvable contents then I would like to see, often making filtering much more difficult then it should be.