6th cycle test enethate, tren ace, dianabil having some issues


New member
This is my sixth cycle I have ran in the last few years. I have ran test/eq, test/deca, test/deca/tren ace.... I've ran anadrol or dianabol typically at the end of my cycle leading to a powerlifting meet. I'm 34 years old and have been working out since I was 13 diligently with a couple short breaks in there. Prior to starting anything I was around 220 and 13%ish body fat as I recall from prior caliper readings. This cycle I'm currently on I haven't packed on a ton of weight maybe 8lbs in the last 9 weeks but I haven't gained lots of weight with tren ace in the last either which I'm fine with. I compete at 242lbs in raw powerlifting. My last meet I hit a 1672lb total which is almost 400lbs more than my first competition less than 3 years prior. I'm projecting this meet in April to exceed my previous total by 50-70lbs which I have gained since last July. Everything was going wonderfully until I added in my dianabol to the mix last week. I have been running 900 test enethate for the last 9 weeks and 600 tren ace for 5 weeks. Last week I added 50mg of dianabol split in two doses 20mg in the am and 30mg 12 hours later taken with grapefruit juice. My strength aggression and weight was on point I gained some water weight over the week due to the orals which I expected. I did have some issues that I had never felt running dbol... I wasn't hungry at all and my libedo was just gone in a day or two. Then the Thursday after I started 5 days later I failed to maintain an erection and the one I had was less than desirable. I have blood work coming that should be here tomorrow. I had my estridol levels checked and a full test panel. I'm just wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience this is the first time it's happened to me and it's bugging me horribly..... currently my body weight is around 250 and my strength is good. I stopped taking the dbol but I really want to continue so I stay on track for my meet.
Dbol aromatizes heavily. I would assume running that high of test and then throwing dbol in the mix too, your e2 shot way up. Your bloodwork results will probably confirm this theory. Are you running an ai with all this aromatizing gear?
Secondly, you may possibly have elevated prolactin. Usually, if you manage your e2 levels this won't bother you while on a 19nor. Usually.. You may need to pick up some prami or caber. Again, bloodwork will tell the tale here...
I haven't been running an AI but I did start letro this morning in anticipation that it is high. It was the only thing that made any sense based on what I was taking. I do have arimadex on hand as well which I'm hindsight I could have taken and perhaps had faster results from it. I'm hoping in 7-10 days the letro will bring me back to a more regular level and I can incorporate the dianabol again.
I posted a pic of my levels... test was at 2362 and the estridol was at 99.4. Blood work was done on Wednesday, the first prior I stopped taking dbol and popped an arimadex in a semi panic before totally understanding what was going on. I assume my number was higher at that point in time so it could have been 120-150 not sure that's obviously a guess. Today I took a 2.5mg letro and started back on 30mg of dbol. I'm wondering if the letro eod will be too much I just need to level out for 4 weeks which will finish out my cycle. I'll be taking hcg, nolva, and clomid for my post and coming off for a good 4 months.
Your test may be underdosed. At almost a gram a week you should be well above 3k, if not above 4-5k.

Nice totals!

This is the third time this week I've heard that! Might have to run a different source next time and see how my results are.... I wish there were some home test kits for quantity and quality but that's just not the case
Don't run hcg during pct. You can use it during cycle and blast it up to pct. I would stay the course with adex. Letro would be too strong to use. You can get bloodwork done in a couple weeks to see if your adex dose is dialed in.

Not sure why you even attempted running this cycle without using an ai. Not an experienced move at all. Your going to be chasing your tale around trying to dial in your ai while using dbol too. I would probably drop the dbol and try to dial in your ai while on the long ester compounds. Chalk this up to a lesson learned for next time. You can't throw a bunch of chemicals into your system without proper planning. You obviously know why now not to do that. To try to continue on while guessing with strong ai's like letro will definitely not help.
Im a powerlifter too and im on dbol for the 1st time, i really like it because i look swole as fuck but drol kicks its ass in strength hands down. As for your question i dont know just felt like typing lol
Don't run hcg during pct. You can use it during cycle and blast it up to pct. I would stay the course with adex. Letro would be too strong to use. You can get bloodwork done in a couple weeks to see if your adex dose is dialed in.

Not sure why you even attempted running this cycle without using an ai. Not an experienced move at all. Your going to be chasing your tale around trying to dial in your ai while using dbol too. I would probably drop the dbol and try to dial in your ai while on the long ester compounds. Chalk this up to a lesson learned for next time. You can't throw a bunch of chemicals into your system without proper planning. You obviously know why now not to do that. To try to continue on while guessing with strong ai's like letro will definitely not help.

The way I have ran my hcg in the past is 500 eod for two weeks following my last injection of my oils. I'd run it along with nolva for those two weeks then once that's complete I wait for he hcg to clear my system and start with a 4-6 week clomid cycle. I was always under the impression that he hcg would prep the testes to be ready to receive lh which the clomid would make the body start producing. I haven't ever ran it intracycle but I have read about it. As far as not running an AI with this cycle it's defiantly a learning experience for me. I had never ventured this high with my test but I've also never had any adverse side effects so i wasn't too concerned. I always have adex and letro on hand. The letro dose I was going to run was .6 ed along with the 30mg dbol just to complete the remaining 4 weeks of my cycle leading up to this meet before coming off. You think that's still to aggressive of a dose and I should do adex? If so what dose of adex and why? I'm not arguing just learning
Im a powerlifter too and im on dbol for the 1st time, i really like it because i look swole as fuck but drol kicks its ass in strength hands down. As for your question i dont know just felt like typing lol

You look "swole" because the elevated estrogen levels cause water retention! I was playing with dbol and tren this cycle because they're supposed to be great together. Strength has been on point up until this issue
You look "swole" because the elevated estrogen levels cause water retention! I was playing with dbol and tren this cycle because they're supposed to be great together. Strength has been on point up until this issue

Ya im on tren too lol
Did or do you have high BP when your estrogen was that high? Red face? Those are common side effects.

Dbol is the strongest oral I ever ran. I'm lucky to get 4 weeks outta it before I have to drop it. That's the way it is for me.

49er mentioned drol. I haven't used it. It's always the big boy oral .
When I use dbol I use aromasin daily and I also take DIM..an otc supp that's supposed to reduce estrogen a little.
I've ran anadrol as well and never had any issues. The reason I had an issue this time is becsaue of the quantity of test I am running in conjunction with the heavy aromotizing oral dbol. It spiked my estrogen too high and caused the side effects I mentioned.... along with these severely itchy feet I have right now! Arimadex is what I finally settled on taking so I don't get too low but I'm already feeling better!