Just finishing up 1st cycle ever andropen 275 for 12wks. I injected 2x/wk 275mg per stick. I am so happy with results. I am 5'11, went from 194lb to 207lb, 14 % bf to 12%. I'll be taking nova for post cycle therapy (pct). Im now planning my next cycle of tren acetate, and test prop and hoping for some feedback. My goal is to get more mass, 10-15lb, and get bf to around 10%. My diet is pretty solid and no junk. Lifting for 10 yrs., started first cycle Oct.2010. I've got 100ml prop 200mg, 100ml tren ace 120mg. Was thinking 75mg EOD tren for wks 1-8, 100mg prop EOD wks 1-12. Followed by pct.
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