Tren Acetate


What is the overall consensus on Tren Acetate? From the profile and all the research it sounds like the wonder roid. More potent than test with no estrogen conversion. Would you consider it for a second cycle alone or would you stack it with something else?
I'm running test Enath and Tren Ace
LOVE IT. No sides except my temper is much more "on alert" shall we say but I like what I see
Deep South Chris said:
use some form of test with it as it still shuts you down

that is not always the case...i agree that you would want to run test w/ any cycle, but i have had no probs w/ tren alone....
Brabus said:
Would you consider it for a second cycle alone or would you stack it with something else?

Alone? Never. Included in a second cycle? Rarely.

But first off, what was your first cycle? Current stats? Goal(s) for the cycle?
37 eod is way too little, you might as well not run it at all. If you want to go light, at least 75 eod or preferrably 50 mg ED would me my advise.
Vivid and very violent dreams.
Light sleeping, waking up easy, not feeling rested in the morning.
HOT, especially at night.
Pissed off at times for no apparent reason.
its very good but the side effects are strong. bad choice for Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) newbie unless dose is light, maybe still choice since running it without test is risky.
Did this a few years back and was blown away by my gains.

prop / Winstrol (winny) / fina

I got very ripped and gained 15 lbs of solid muscle in 10 weeks

I had to cut the fina short though bc my GF couldnt take the smell I was giving off while on it. I also felt like it yellowed my skin tone a bit.

All in all you just have to take care of your kidneys while on Fina. Cranberry Take cranberry extrack every day and drink tons of water 6 to 8 times daily. If your prone to MPB then this may not be the sauce for you as it does agrivate the condition. While on it I did experiance an increased aggression.. I never had night sweats but gained a big appetite and a fast metabolism while useing it at a dose of 75 mg eod. You should run it for no more then 5 weeks.
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tren is some great shit but it is not for beginers because it does make you very moody and the hot flashes and night sweats suck but the strength you get and intensity in your work outs are amazing
I have sore joints from tren though, not the tren itself but from working out so heavy and gaining strength so fast on it. Another "sideffect" although caused by my training rather than the tren itself.
sory to ask this question on some one else thread but im starting 50mged of tren for the first time and 50ed testprop should i run more test then tren
you'll feel it if you need to. Im running 50mg/ED of tren ace right now, and im running 150mg/ed testosterone, im horny like a fucking rabbit.

For you however, if 350mg/w testosterone works, then go with it, if tren-dick appears then up the testosterone.
slugg said:
sory to ask this question on some one else thread but im starting 50mged of tren for the first time and 50ed testprop should i run more test then tren

It depends on what your looking to do... for all out blowing up as much as possible ya id run at least 500mg/week along with your 350mg tren. If your stricting looking to cut Id go maybe 250mg-350mg Test, enough to level out the seasaw of tren effects and still give you strength.