Tren and immunity crash (hpv!) - any way to avoid it ?

Vitor Ennnergy

New member
I started about 10 days ago a cycle of tren A 75mg/day + Test E 750mg/wk + Eq 750 mg/wk. (Im´m 35yo , in Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) test cyp 150mg/wk)
Unfortunately and for my despair, yesterday i start to find some genital warts (hpv) .
That´s my second cycle with tren and in the first cycle (same dosages , 4 months ago) , same thing happened , and i went to a dermatologist that treats with cryosurgery and aldara cream, but the warts only completely desappear after i stopped the damn trenbolone acetate.
I did all blood tests including CBC, HIV , hepatitis, others STD´s all tested negative. I always have good imunity for colds, flu , and any other diseases.

Too bad that this happens, because my body had responds to tren better than any other cycle before.
Does someome with a good soul can give me some help ? Immunostimulants? Any drug proved to get the immunity stronger? Any way to continue the tren and avoid this terrible side effect?
Thanks in advance
SO you have HPV that totally sucks. Sorry to here it. I believe it is very common. I've never heard of anyone having the worts come and go with tren. I think it is your imune function. try lysin. It helps with cold sores.