tren and t3.......thoughts


New member
Finished up my bulk and been maintaining
Cut blast
16 percent bf
Anybody had good success with running tren and t3?
Curious on what u ran as well
My upcoming blast is going to look like this
200mg test e
50mg or 75mg ed tren a
50 to 100mcg t3 ed

Dnp is some pretty harsh shit huh
My metabolism is pretty fast when I start to chop
also due to my current job being physical and always on the go
I was kinda leary on adding t3 to the resume but thought I would give it a shot
Dieting with 3j as well
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What bf did u start at and finish at bro?
My plan is to hit under 8 percent but first get to 10 percent to get my abs back lol
As I store my stubborn fat in the lower back as well
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Considering the amount of mass you lost on your last cut, I'd be leery of adding anything like t3 or ....buterol. T3 boosts your metabolism which is 'already high' as you put it, right? 3J will dial in your cslories and macros to make this a more successful cut for you. Were I in your shoes I'd find a combination of mast, test, and tren and call it a day.
Dropping 2 lbs a week keeping as much muscle as you can
If you want to be a sweating nightmare, Tren, T3, and DNP.
I STRONGLY recommend against DNP and trenbolone. It makes breathing a chore, and I had to hit albuterol pretty hard just to weight train. You can forget cardio, it just won't be in the cards with that combo.

T3 and tren are fine, although as mentioned above - you will be sweating up a storm.

My .02c :)
If you aren't in a rush (no competition date, etc) I would stick to diet + AAS, maybe a low-ish dose of T3 if you want but it won't be necessary IMO

I don't have an issue with (informed, low-dose) DNP use but I don't think it's warranted in most situations
Tren does have a negative impact on the thyroid so supplementing with t3 on a cut wouldn't be a bad idea.

Are you going to be getting thyroid bloodwork through out your cut?
If you are, then it should be easy to dose the t3.
If not, then IMO you should skip the t3 completely - you seem to find it pretty easy to drop fat judging by your last cut and its too easy to overdo the t3.
Yes I am taking my cut slow
I would say today is the start of my cut cause now 3j has me down to a 3500 carb cycling plan
just reversed from when I was bulking same procedure except now I am loosing not gaining :)
seeing as how tren suppresses your thyroid.. i would run a minimum of 25mcg and a maximum of 50mcg daily..

and dnp is crap.. denver stop it already lol
Tren I run in pretty much every blast but dnp sounds awful,heard a lot of horror stories running dnp, but yes I'll probs just stick with t3 starting at 25mcg and at the most 50mcg ed
Got my work cut out on this cut but who doesn't lol
Currently on my cruise dose gonna get some bloods done again before I blast again been on my cruise for a few months recently donated bloods, BP was up abit after my last blast 140/80 but can be expected running what I was running lol so hopefully it has come down since, gonna check it again tonight actually
25-50mcg is a bulking/maintenance (replacement dose). imo you dont need t3. You don't even need tren. You are pretty much a walking tren molecule by now. Im concerned for your long term health and i don't even know you. The last thing you need to do is start adding/trying new unnecisary compounds
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Checked BP it's 120/80 lowered quite abit since I recently.donated bloods.a few weeks ago :)
It's quite nice being a walking tren molecule,.and we need more 2 legged cattle walking around anyways :)