Tren cycle and what to expect


New member
I am trying to gather some info for future reference on using tren and test. Lets say I start a cycle using the following items.

wk1: tren a 50migs/test ace 50migs EOD
wk2: tren a 100migs/test ace 50migs EOD
wk3: tren a 150migs/test ace 50migs EOD

How do you know when the tren is working?

What are you going to feel? (I know everyone is different)

Should you keep increasing the tren until you can feel the compound working?

Appreciate any feedback from people who have experience with the compound.

what to expect? well everyone is different. first off i personally like pinning tren ace everyday. i know it can be a bitch, but i felt way more stable that way. second, 50mg EOD is a really really low dose. do 50mg ED for 2 weeks and then see how how you feel. and trust me you'll know when the tren is working.

and you're only running it for 3 weeks? thats a waste of time at those doses. i recommend you to run it at 50mg ED for 6-8 weeks, and if you can handle it raise to dose to 75-100 ED. which bring me to my next point;

what i mean by "handle it" is, tren can really fuck with your mind and i mean really fuck with your mind. some guys get nightmares, nightsweats, insomnia (trensomnia), anxiety, paranoia, and random outbursts. tren made me shy and bold at the same. it made me depressed and happy at the same time. i'm not saying you'll experience what i did, but most guys do. so if you can handle those then by all means up your dose.

and finally, i cant stress this enough, YOU NEED A PROLACTIN INHIBITOR. when you run out of milk for your morning protein shake i dont think you want to be able to squeeze your nipples and be able to squeeze out milk. and when you go to fuck your girl i think you would rather get your dick hard. so please get a prolactin inhibitor, i like cabergoline (dostinex) and take .5mg twice a week.
e92 appreciate the response. The cycle is for 14wks, I only copy and pasted up to wk3 as I am unsure if to increase or not. Everything else is in place, I started tren about a month ago and within the first few days lost my appetite, little did I know that one of tren's side effect is loss of appetite. I had to take 25g of glutamine to resolve the issue which went away in two days so I stopped the cycle and did a ton more research about other sides that I was not aware of and how to counteract them if it happens to me.

I know about the sides and the prolactin, I have been reading about tren for years. This is why I asked the question, some say they feel like a god, what does that mean? Your first two sentences answered a lot for me. I will make a note of this as I was unsure how to increase the dose as necessary. Chime back in if you have more advice, this is the only way for me to learn.

Apparently l-tryptophan is supposed to help when it comes to your mood. You body converts this into serotonin which tren sucks out of your systems and causes mood swings.

Thanks again for the help.

what to expect? well everyone is different. first off i personally like pinning tren ace everyday. i know it can be a bitch, but i felt way more stable that way. second, 50mg EOD is a really really low dose. do 50mg ED for 2 weeks and then see how how you feel. and trust me you'll know when the tren is working.

and you're only running it for 3 weeks? thats a waste of time at those doses. i recommend you to run it at 50mg ED for 6-8 weeks, and if you can handle it raise to dose to 75-100 ED. which bring me to my next point;

what i mean by "handle it" is, tren can really fuck with your mind and i mean really fuck with your mind. some guys get nightmares, nightsweats, insomnia (trensomnia), anxiety, paranoia, and random outbursts. tren made me shy and bold at the same. it made me depressed and happy at the same time. i'm not saying you'll experience what i did, but most guys do. so if you can handle those then by all means up your dose.

and finally, i cant stress this enough, YOU NEED A PROLACTIN INHIBITOR. when you run out of milk for your morning protein shake i dont think you want to be able to squeeze your nipples and be able to squeeze out milk. and when you go to fuck your girl i think you would rather get your dick hard. so please get a prolactin inhibitor, i like cabergoline (dostinex) and take .5mg twice a week.
I know about the sides and the prolactin, I have been reading about tren for years. This is why I asked the question, some say they feel like a god, what does that mean?
super confident, strength in the gym is thru the roof, more vascular, crazy gains, if your prolactin and e2 is in check you fuck like an animal. you are overloaded with hormones that define a male. for me, i was so extremely confident and shredded while taking tren (i was doing 100mg ED) i just felt as though everyone was beneath me and should kiss my nuts. and to be honest i'm naturally confident and aggressive, and pretty egotistical, so when tren is in my body i sort of turn into a real dick. i've ruined a relationship or two and lost 2 jobs while i was taking tren. although one of the jobs (club promoter), and one of the relationships i ruined i was under the influence of drugs and a bit of alcohol. but i completely blame the tren. tren doenst even make me aggressive, tren just makes me mean and heartless which is why i dont take it anymore.

[sentimental storytime] the relationship i ruined was with a girl i was absolutely in love with. we were at a party, and i was on MDMA. we got into a little bit of an argument and she wouldnt even kiss me (i literally did nothing). so to show her how easily i can get other girls, i immediately found another girl started grinding on her and made out with her and i made sure my girlfriend was watching. i do not blame the mdma because it was definitely not my first rodeo with it. i blame the tren. i hope i didnt scare you too much haha i just want you to be careful

Apparently l-tryptophan is supposed to help when it comes to your mood. You body converts this into serotonin which tren sucks out of your systems and causes mood swings.
i used to like MDMA quite a bit, so i would take 5-HTP to get my serotonin back up. maybe i'll give tren another shot with the 5-htp and not having use it for a year. maybe i've matured a bit lol.
I noticed it when the insomnia set it, I'm running 75mg ED.

No negative side effects as of yet and Im in my third week. I did notice though whenever I lowered my test to 50mg/day and upped my tren the negative sides from test went away and now it's a much more pleasurable experience. My strength is going up and up, plus I was sweating more on test only, especially during the day.

Mentally I feel fine, just a little extra aggression in the gym which is expected.
I noticed it when the insomnia set it, I'm running 75mg ED.

No negative side effects as of yet and Im in my third week. I did notice though whenever I lowered my test to 50mg/day and upped my tren the negative sides from test went away and now it's a much more pleasurable experience. My strength is going up and up, plus I was sweating more on test only, especially during the day.

Mentally I feel fine, just a little extra aggression in the gym which is expected.
to be honest, i think even 50mg test ED is too much when ur on tren. you'll literally see no difference if you drop your test down to 50 EOD. man... all this talk about tren is making me wanna jump on the tren train again. im sooo close im so close
e92 your help is priceless. This is the second day for me, I am going to take 50migs of tren a day for two weeks and see how I feel. I will then use some common sense and decide if I should increase or not. My test will stay at 50migs EOD (3xwk).

This time I am taking no chances, I am also taking 20gm of glutamine and 10gm of tryptophan. I am using prami for the prolactin along with nac, milk thistle, etc etc.

Thanks again and good luck if you decide to try it again. I am sure you will be okay since you already know what to expect while on it.
you got the right idea here...

you start at a low dosage and work your way up..

youll almost immediately notice tren cough.. insomnia for some.. and night sweats

your cardio will be in the gutter too..

can you tell me a bit more about yourself??

cycle history
e92 your help is priceless. This is the second day for me, I am going to take 50migs of tren a day for two weeks and see how I feel. I will then use some common sense and decide if I should increase or not. My test will stay at 50migs EOD (3xwk).

This time I am taking no chances, I am also taking 20gm of glutamine and 10gm of tryptophan. I am using prami for the prolactin along with nac, milk thistle, etc etc.

Thanks again and good luck if you decide to try it again. I am sure you will be okay since you already know what to expect while on it.
you're welcome man. and yeah the prolactin inhibitor will definitely keep you feeling better physically and mentally. good luck