tren dbol test suspension cycle dosing


New member
Im 194 pounds, 11% BF. this is my third cycle. first was a simple 500mg week test, second was 500mg test with 60mg tbol ED. moderate good results from tbol. This time im looking to get strength up. got sustanon,tren E, Dbol, and 10ml test suspension. my plan for this coming up cycle are
Sustanon 250mg 2X week (12 weeks)
Tren E 200mg 2X week (12 weeks)
Dbol 50mg ED(8 weeks) or 100mg ED (4 weeks)
Test suspension 100mg ED (first 10 days) while waiting for test and tren to kick
I bench 295 3x
squat 405
deadlift 365
looking for hardcore results
any advice and constructive criticism is totes welcome
if i were you i'd save the dbol for the last 6 weeks, when you start to plateau.

now i'm not quite sure why, but you seem like the type of guy who doesn't run AI's or dopamine agonists because he "doesn't need it", am i right?
dbol at 100mg ED will fuck you up hard man. Massive estrogen spike, gyno, blood pressure, nose isn't good. 50mg ED is quite a strong dose and for 8 weeks....that's a long time.
It's also a great way to stuff up your progesterone levels whilst running tren.

What will your AI dosage be on the dbol compared to after the dbol?
dopamine I have Adderall. Im a college student bros I scraped together just to get the anabolics, have no ai. I planned to buy pct about a month before the end of the cycle. haven't done much research on it. I thought I may not need an AI because tren dosent convert to estro and test at 500mg wouldn't produce be too much for estro either. I know the dbol may be a prob. not sure what the progesterone thing is but I will look into that. thanks guys..yes gill im that type of guy
Starting four new compounds at the same time is asking for trouble. I just wanted to add that suspension/TNE aromatizes like crazy too. I really think it's too early for tren man; dbol and the suspension with your sustanon will give you some really great results as-is.

Estradiol is really important to know how to manage, you DON'T want to find out that you're doing a poor job of it while on tren. Getting a limp dick and lactating breasts can really ruin your day. ;)

My .02c :)
No DA or AI?

You need to pin Sust EOD as it has short esters. Are you sure you have enough experience for Tren? How old are you?
If you have any thoughts what to drop and what dose to take fire away. im not nearly as educated in this stuff as you people
If you have any thoughts what to drop and what dose to take fire away. im not nearly as educated in this stuff as you people

You should wait until you are 25 years old. Read the FAQs link in my signature below for more info on why. And in the meantime read up in there on how to put a cycle together.
and if you were to run this cycle when you're 25....then run the sust at 2mL per week, split your doses up every second day (EoD).

run the dbol ONLY if you have an AI.

Save the tren for once you've used an AI and know how your body responds to estrogen.

I know you want them gains, but better to be safe than sorry!
dopamine I have Adderall. Im a college student bros I scraped together just to get the anabolics, have no ai. I planned to buy pct about a month before the end of the cycle. haven't done much research on it. I thought I may not need an AI because tren dosent convert to estro and test at 500mg wouldn't produce be too much for estro either. I know the dbol may be a prob. not sure what the progesterone thing is but I will look into that. thanks guys..yes gill im that type of guy
uh yeah, adderall has nothing to do with any of this. 500mg test wouldnt convert too much estrogen?! you realize that 500mg of test is like 4 times what the average male produces?

man you really need to do your homework. tren does not convert into estro but it does cause spikes in your prolactin which is worse than estrogen. you're literally gonna be as hormonal as a pregnant woman with all that progesterone and estrogen in your system lolollll
You've already ran 2 cycles and you are 22 years old? My oh my. Why did you decide to go down this road at such a young age?(far too young in my and many others opinions as well)

Being hormonal is not cool btw, nor is it healthy for a male to have high levels of female hormones in their body.
Adderall is a dopamine reuptake inhibitor/direct releaser. agonist is the opposite of an antagonist biatch BOOM science.
actually the poopsite of antagonist is protagonist...

and no it doesnt work that way. are you seriously trying to convince us that you will use adderall the counter the side effects of tren? lol
Adderall is a dopamine reuptake inhibitor/direct releaser. agonist is the opposite of an antagonist biatch BOOM science.

Adderall isn't an agonist. Before you start getting excited and calling BOOM science on folks, you may want to learn what reuptake even means. Adderall just prevents your body from REUSING (what reuptake means) existing dopamine after it has left the neurons in the brain.

It does not call for additional dopamine whatsoever, which is what an agonist does. Dopamine is the antagonist to prolactin, which is what makes you become Betsy the Cow.