Tren..dboll.Anavar.. My second to opinions please


New member
What's up fellas I'm going to start a cycle of tren dboll and anava...I'm 6.2 weight 225 any opinions or thoughts.. I did a cycle of test prop with winni a year ago so I have build a base.
Terrible cycle man. Not trying to flame you, but it is a shit cycle to say the least. Have you done any research?

First, you need a test base for any cycle. Even if a low dose of test, you need test to keep you functioning as a man. All cycles should include test!

Second, tren is the most hardcore, bad ass steroid out there, and not the best choice for your second cycle. Crazy gains, and even crazier sides.

Third, two orals? Why? Taking two orals will wreak havoc on your liver and isn't a good idea at all. Further, Dbol and Anavar (var) are quite different - dbol will put on a lot of fast weight in the form of water, and send strength through the roof, and Anavar (var) will yield lean gains...they have very different purposes.

I'd suggest a test cycle with one of the above orals as a kick start or finisher.
Thanks for the post I have done ally of reading. I was gonna take the d all for 4 weeks then..go into a cutting phase. I have read on here of ppl doing a cycle with just tren.. With no test . And u said u need test .
Thanks for the post I have done ally of reading. I was gonna take the d all for 4 weeks then..go into a cutting phase. I have read on here of ppl doing a cycle with just tren.. With no test . And u said u need test .

You can find an example of someone doing anything if you look hard, doesn't mean it's the right way!

You absolutely need a testosterone base, even if a low dose. If you're dead set on tren, you can run test:tren equally, or test lower than tren to minimize the tren sides.

Lay out the cycle you had planned...each compound, dosage, number of weeks, etc.
You can find an example of someone doing anything if you look hard, doesn't mean it's the right way!

You absolutely need a testosterone base, even if a low dose. If you're dead set on tren, you can run test:tren equally, or test lower than tren to minimize the tren sides.

Lay out the cycle you had planned...each compound, dosage, number of weeks, etc.


always run test!
12 weeks
1-12 tren 2,1cc shots a wk
weeks 1-6 50ml dboll
weeks 6-12 anava to lean..

thats what i was gonna do what kind of test should i run and what would be the lowest dose but enough to maintain

and i am gonna get a anti ess..what ever i can get
12 weeks
1-12 tren 2,1cc shots a wk
weeks 1-6 50ml dboll
weeks 6-12 anava to lean..

thats what i was gonna do what kind of test should i run and what would be the lowest dose but enough to maintain

and i am gonna get a anti ess..what ever i can get

What tren ester and how is it dosed? Come on man!
thanks for the replies

thanks for your inputs.. im gonna say this is my first cycle with knowledge thanks to this website threads.. read alot for the last few weeks. im going to run a test prop alone with a anti ess on hand.