when i was younger and i took tren (i'm talking 22, 23 years old) i would turn into such a dick, be so aggressive, and get all these crazy mental side effects.
now fast forward 5 years, i havent ran tren in about 2 or 3 years. just added it to my blast a week ago @ 75mg ED, and almost none of these sides are happening. i know its tren. i'm getting tren gains, tren dreams, tren piss, tren face. the oil tastes like tren. i'm horny as fuck. but all i feel is a bit of anxiety sometimes.
i'm aggressive but i no longer have that unnecessary behavior i used to while taking tren. oh and i'm bossy as hell too. could it be that all these side effects are just manifesting themselves in a different way now?
maybe my shit is underdosed? or mabybe i just grew up?!
now fast forward 5 years, i havent ran tren in about 2 or 3 years. just added it to my blast a week ago @ 75mg ED, and almost none of these sides are happening. i know its tren. i'm getting tren gains, tren dreams, tren piss, tren face. the oil tastes like tren. i'm horny as fuck. but all i feel is a bit of anxiety sometimes.
i'm aggressive but i no longer have that unnecessary behavior i used to while taking tren. oh and i'm bossy as hell too. could it be that all these side effects are just manifesting themselves in a different way now?
maybe my shit is underdosed? or mabybe i just grew up?!