Tren Dosing question 4th cycle


New member
So this is going to be my 4th cycle with the last being Test E 500 wk & deca 400 wk with a kick starter of Dbol. So for this one i wanted to go tren, and realized after i received my order that i got Tren E instead of A. i don't want this to go to waste and its already here. My question is with this being my first run with Tren should i start around 400 wk and test i was planning on 250 wk. I have Adex, Letro, and prami on hand was planning also to run HCG during, and possibly kickstarting this with dbol.
So this is going to be my 4th cycle with the last being Test E 500 wk & deca 400 wk with a kick starter of Dbol. So for this one i wanted to go tren, and realized after i received my order that i got Tren E instead of A. i don't want this to go to waste and its already here. My question is with this being my first run with Tren should i start around 400 wk and test i was planning on 250 wk. I have Adex, Letro, and prami on hand was planning also to run HCG during, and possibly kickstarting this with dbol.

I personally would up the test a bit. That's just my opinion.
Some people prefer tren higher than test, but I prefer them about the same amount. Works better for me
The test does is gonna be up to you. Is test better higher than Tren? Or lower? I think its a matter of opinion, theres no right or wrong way of doing it. I run my test higher than Tren. But either way being this is your first time I think 400/wk would be a good starting point.
I run the Test slightly lower because even on a strict diet and using Arimidex i still get some bloat. Keeping test even or slightly higher is Ok. Tren is very strong and if you have never used it, I think 300mgs would be a good starting point because it is Tren E and not Tren A. If you tolerate it well then increase it around week 5. I get really bad night sweats around week three and appetite decreases a pretty good amount. Good luck!!
test at 250, tren at 400 sounds good... train hard, eat big... and grow

just beware of the legendary "tren cough"... it WILL happen, and it will knock you down to your knees, you'll feel like you're dying... and then... it'll be gone as fast as it came

the fun part is it won't happen every time... might not happen for a few injections... then bamm... metallic taste in your mouth and there's no running from it ;)

but in the end tren can be just as positive as it can be nasty
Some people prefer tren higher than test, but I prefer them about the same amount. Works better for me

Agreed - Personally I would run my Tren slightly lower then my test and that has always worked great for me. I do think you should up that test a little bit - 250 seems awfully low in my opinion.
... just beware of the legendary "tren cough"... it WILL happen, and it will knock you down to your knees, you'll feel like you're dying... and then... it'll be gone as fast as it came

... oh I I remember this - Doubt I ever forget it - lol! I have only experienced it twice, thankfully
I don't think tren cough will be an issue with tren-e.. most of the tren cough I've heard of
has been with tren-a - but I'm not 100% sure and could be wrong?

I've only ran tren-e and never had tren cough... I did notice in my endurance take a hit
on it, but never a bad cough.

My first tren cycle was using test higher than tren - and later flipped my doses, running
tren at 800mg and test around 300-400. The only bitch were the night sweats!

However, sometimes I'll run both test and tren the same dose - and typically lower the
test if I'm adding much more to the cycle.

You'll just find what works best for you over time.

I would run the hCG at 500iu's twice a week - 5 weeks on, 1 week off... repeat.

Just make sure you stop the hCG 4 days prior to SERM treatment.
If i inject into my quads i will 100 percent get tren cough everytime. Any other spot and it doesnt happen. I think ivjidt over pinned quads.
I'll revisit this statement after it happens - lol!
"What's this weird tickle... *COUGH WHEEEEEEEZE HACK GASP*.. Am I dying?! "

"Oh, so that's what tren cough is. I really hope it doesn't happen again, but at least I know what to look for!"

Yeah, we'll see if you look forward to it once it happens Lol.
I have a few good ones on Tren A but the Tren E is not nearly as bad...Just a mild searing..burning...choking... aaah never mind you'll find
"What's this weird tickle... *COUGH WHEEEEEEEZE HACK GASP*.. Am I dying?! "

"Oh, so that's what tren cough is. I really hope it doesn't happen again, but at least I know what to look for!"

Yeah, we'll see if you look forward to it once it happens Lol.

A good Tren cough can be a workout in it self lol I had one that left me sweating after lol
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tren and test fight for the same receptor.. youre better off running your test lower..