Tren E 200mg and Sustanon (sust) 250 cyc

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Tren E 200mg and Sust 250 cyc

I been using 3 weeks exactly today and have not had any sides no night sweats or any of the sides that I would think would come with the use of Tren is it to early for that to happen and I barely sweat when working out as I'm not a big sweater anyway. I know it is probally to early for me to start feeling the Tren work but it is my first time with Tren. I have done may cycles of Test E, Sust, and etc..Just wondering how long before I would feel this Tren kick in...
Only reason I'm asking is because I'm doing the tren at 100mg twice a week since it is my first time and I do not have Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with this cycle....I hope that is ok....I do have 5 weeks worth of clomid 100mg capsules for PCT..
is it tren E or A? normally takes about 10days for me to start getting night sweats, 200mgs/wk is really low,your gear might be fake.... what are your stats?
Tren E.....6 foot 215lbs 34 years old 16% bodyfat...I know the Sustanon (sust) is good cause I wood all day long...Honestly the first 2 weeks I only did 1 pin a week of 100mg this is my 3rd week on and did 200mg/this week Sat and Wed.That being said because the first 2 weeks I only did 1 pin a week of 100mg would that be a reason that I have no effects.Does everyone gets night sweats..What can you tell me that I will notice if I don't have sweats at all what other sides or what can I look for to know it is working.
It is my first time using the Tren E is why I went so long does it normally take for Tren E to start working
I usually feel it pretty good in like 2-3 weeks.
I don't get night sweats a whole lot on it. But def feel more hot and sweat more than normal in the gym. Also I notice huge increase in aggression for me. And strength boost is pretty good. But I mainly feel way more energized and can just plow thru workouts. You should know if its working for sure. Its not mild by any means.
well for the Tren e I did mention I only did 100mg the first 2 weeks and the 3rd week I did I probally need to kick it up.Since I did only 1 pin per week of tren at 100mg thats probally why I don't feel shit right now...So if I do my 4th week at 200mg I should start feeling something..I pretty much wasted the first 2 weeks...please let me know your opinion.I was told it would take up to 3 to 4 weeks before I felt the effects....Please give me your opinion.on when I should start feeling effects now that I will do 2 times a week at 100mg equaling 200mg a much do u normally do weekly and how long before u feel the effects.So I can put my mind at ease ....I know it is legit my friend takes it and I feel the Sustanon (sust) I take..