TREN E, How Much is Too Much?


New member
OK so this is my second Tren E cycle and my 5th er so cycle overall. Last time I think I started @250mg/wk and ended at 300-350/wk sides were minimal and gains were great. +20lbs This cycle I am running Tren E at 500/wk and ending with 625/wk also running test Cyp at 600/wk so far sides are not an issue, but I have friends that are sayng that I am doing too much. my plan was to go for 16 weeks but I think im being talked down to 12.

No experience with tren E but on tren A I felt like my gains from week 12-16 were minimal - if I were to re-do things I would stop after 10-12 weeks rather than going 16.
No need to play with your levels as mentioned pick one and run with it. ramping up does nothing but create more sides due to fluctuating levels.
Same thing with pinning if your doing 600mgs per week pin 3 x 200mgs or 2 x 300mgs consistency is key to stability in a cycle.
No need to play with your levels as mentioned pick one and run with it. ramping up does nothing but create more sides due to fluctuating levels.
Same thing with pinning if your doing 600mgs per week pin 3 x 200mgs or 2 x 300mgs consistency is key to stability in a cycle.

Good deal, so I will change my pins to 200mg x3

do you think I am running too much or is this an ok cycle?
when I started tren-e I started at 400mg a week with 800mg test after about 8 weeks I upped it to 600 a week and stayed at800 for test... no bad sides for me... most people say too much tren when they start having excessive sides.. problems sleeping or out of whack blood pressure
when you get arrested then you will know how much is too much.:wackit:

Lol. Arrested strolling downtown dressed like a Viking with Thor's hammer. Crazy thing is on Tren you can actually use that hammer to fly like Thor. I find myself referencing Vikings often when talking Tren, but then again I do have a beard halfway down my chest and hair that hasn't been cut in 3 years....
Lol. Arrested strolling downtown dressed like a Viking with Thor's hammer. Crazy thing is on Tren you can actually use that hammer to fly like Thor. I find myself referencing Vikings often when talking Tren, but then again I do have a beard halfway down my chest and hair that hasn't been cut in 3 years....

The beard has already been shaved for your avatar :))) ?
If you really wana no if its to much ten take multiple blood test to check you liver values. If they start to get worse then it either to much or iv been in to long. Take a test about 5 weeks in to see how everything is going. Then week 10-12 take anouther and see if you should stop or continue. IMO 12 weeks of tren should yield great gains. That's if your dieting and training properly. If you diet supper clean rather you on a bulk of cut, tren will give you great results
Tren for me has a very small sweet spot ,finding it was rough. Too much and I had bad anxiety and was kinda crazy. But I backed off a lil at a time till I could handle it now it's all good
For me I would say tren e at 600 mg per week max.
I have done more and less but feel 600 mg is a sweet spot. Less sides and still great gains