Tren Enan concentrations?


Community Veteran
I've seen 200 and 250 on the market, has anyone gone above this without creating a painfull solution while still having it hold suspension?

Probably considering 300-400mg/ml.
seen 300mg/ml, didn't use it so can't say for pain... im pretty sure it would hold though... if i do tren E its gotta be 300mg :)
i made it at 250, painless SOLUTION, not suspension. 300 isnt a stretch as far as getting it to hold goes, but upwards of 400 and you might run into some pain, hell even test enan hurts me a little bit at 400. Ive never seen TrenE above 300.
Right now I'm doing 500mg/ml enan 1cc and 400mg/ml EQ 1cc in each pin and it rocks, dont feel a thing.

Anywho, I guess I will find out whats up with Tren E when the chance comes 'round.