Tren Enanthae golden this time?


New member
I converted the exact same way with the same oil, even from the same bottle and this time it is golden. Last time it was the color of Jack Daniels....very dark. Order the powder from the same guy I always do, but it was a diff order. Should tren enan come out golden like that? Why would the two conversions look so diff if the powder was the same? Looks like tren ace to me, but if it is that will be crashing soon since I made it at 250mg/ml with 3%ba and 18%bb.

I'll try and get a pic of the two up.
The tren enan i made came out golden, slightly darker than acetate, but still golden.
You should have asked your source about the change in color. If it is the same one I used, he said they perfected the refining process and that the color change was because of it.
GPAS said:
You should have asked your source about the change in color. If it is the same one I used, he said they perfected the refining process and that the color change was because of it.
Id take what the source said with a grain of salt.

Anywho its fine, the color varies all the time. Its all good though, enjoy that shit.

I was wondering something about these high concentration home brews and UG lab products. Can 1mL actually hold 250mg of tren? I suppose it matters if it is enan or ace, right? I just thought I read somewhere that the largest amount of tren soluble in oil is 75mg/mL. This must be bullshit? I just want to know because I have a few bottles of GT tren enan 250 and want to make sure its a legit 250mg/mL before using it. Thanks alot bros-

totally possible. Pure tren enan is about 1250mg/ml...I think 250mg/ml is in the legit range.

Ive made 250mg/ml tren enanthate MANY times. Whoever told you that the largest amount of mystery tren that will go into solution per ml is 75mg, well there was a misunderstanding along the lines. Its all about solvents, but without getting indepth the bottom line....legit.
DougoeFre5h said:
totally possible. Pure tren enan is about 1250mg/ml...I think 250mg/ml is in the legit range.

Ive made 250mg/ml tren enanthate MANY times. Whoever told you that the largest amount of mystery tren that will go into solution per ml is 75mg, well there was a misunderstanding along the lines. Its all about solvents, but without getting indepth the bottom line....legit.
I know its IP(china) he says that but thats because he stoped using ba and bb in his products so of course he cant make it stronger and i made my Tren Enanthate 200mg/ml im running it now and it works great
Haha, i shot 600/week, the shots were painless, so if 350mg/ml holds im guessing it will be fairly painless as well. Wish i could say the same about the 500mg/ml test cyp/enan im using now...pain!
250mg/ml is smooth, shooting 4cc a week, 2cc in each delt. Topped with 1g of test enan and 1g eq...............feeling good. 100mg Anavar (var) pre workout for some extra pump :) Homebrewing is great.
Deadlift said:
250mg/ml is smooth, shooting 4cc a week, 2cc in each delt. Topped with 1g of test enan and 1g eq...............feeling good. 100mg Anavar (var) pre workout for some extra pump :) Homebrewing is great.
What are your current stats?
Have you experienced muscle growth on this cycle or just more strength?
I have been considering a similar cycle sometime in the near future.