Tren/Mast/Prop + T3 cutting cycle, dosages?


New member
Hi everyone, about to start my 4th cycle (2nd with Tren) and wanted to get some critique on these dosages...

First of all, my stats:

25 years old, 205lbs, 5'11, 12% BF.

And the plan:

Week 1-8:
Tren-Ace 40mg/ED
Test-Prop 35mg/ED
Mast-Prop 30mg/ED

Week 2-6
T3 50mcg/ED

Goal is to get down to 8-9% BF, maintain/gain muscle, increase strength.
Diet will be high protein, med carbs, low fats at 500-750cal above maintenance on lifting days (4-5x /week) and maintenance on rest days.

this is the plan so far. Might increase the Tren and Mast doses if sides aren't bad.

Questions,comments,criticism? Appreciate any feedback.
Also, should the T3 Be dosed all at once or split once in the morning once in the afternoon?