Tren ???'s I am thinking about runnning this


New member
I want to maybe run this as my next cycle but I am in the dark a little on it. As far as dosages are concerned what do ya'll run?
I would definately stack it with test. What is you previous cycle experience? If you are a novice user 75mg EOD will yeild noticeable gains.
Wartime100 said:
I would definately stack it with test. What is you previous cycle experience? If you are a novice user 75mg EOD will yeild noticeable gains.

Yeah I would say novice user right now I am on 500/mg week of test enanthate starting week 3. I was thinking of actually running tren thru week 8-12 and dropping the test at week 10.
I run 100 mgs. per day, but I just don't respond to lower doses. The most common dose is 75 mgs. per day.

IMO 75 mgs. eod is light even for a first time user. I would run at least 50 mgs. ed or 100 mgs. eod.

And your plan is good on the timing.
I used tren at 75mg/ed in my last cycle...along w/sust and prop. Great strength gains came quick. Fucked up my blood pressure. Made me an asshole (some say that is not hard to do). Vascularity was incrdiable. Enjoy...:dj: