Tren shut-down concerns and conception.


New member
A few months after my last cycle(2nd) and my bloods were normal(which took roughly 2 months) I knocked-up the missus, however sadly she miscarried a few weeks later and was devastated. Doc said 6 months later we can try again.

I had planned to do a fairly mild 8 week Test Prop/Tren Ace/Mast Prop cycle in the meantime, running an AI, Prami, and HCG throughout;... however I'm a bit concerned about 'shutdown' from the Tren as I'm now 40 years old and positively need to come back from this(4 months for recovery) .

No matter what one takes there's always risks but Tren shuts you down hard and a few people say sometimes 'permanently'.

I've already decided to drop the tren:)-/? , but wanted to invite comments from some of the older guys who may have experience with it.


P. S. Shout out to DrDre187 for helping me out a few months back whilst on my 2nd cycle.
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19-nor steroids are known for causing some pretty serious shutdown. Sperm quality and motility drop drastically on cycle.

Dunno if I'd call any cycle with tren in it mild... unless you're running like, 150mg EW
Males can never truly shut down spermatogenesis. Even with flatlined testosterone levels there is still a small amount going on. It could be much harder to conceive, but not impossible. The chances of you becoming completely 100% sterile are very slim.
Just run test, mast, and a var start for 4-5 weeks and then run it again at the end for 4-5 weeks. If you're doing an eight week cycle then just run it throughout at 50-75 a day with liver support. I would never recommend this with any other oral. Be safe
Not the end of the world. Me and my wife have been trying for our second for the past few years...that's right years. Have been doing fertility stuff and now are onto IVF very soon.

The problem is not mine as my sperm count and motility is actually off the charts but i still won't cycle until our IVF cycle is done and I have samples banked for the uncertain future.

I've been waiting for a long time for a cycle and it's been tough but I also understand that some things are just more important so I need to be careful.

I'd say just take some time off and have patience, you're still young.

If not and you choose to go ahead with everything bank some can never be too careful
Thanks for your replies guys.

I could run a mild cycle to be on the safe side, but ultimately (as ketogenicbulldog said) .. Some things are more important.

However whatever decision I make, I'll post the results.
