Tren / Test / Masteron -- 16 Week Log


New member
Here is my cycle layout --

Dbol Kickstart 1-4 -- 30mg/ED
Test E 1-16 -- 750mg/EW -- Mon.250mg / Wed.250mg / Fri.250mg
Tren E 1-12 -- 450mg/EW -- Mon.150mg / Wed.150mg / Fri.150mg
Masteron E 1-16 -- 600mg/EW -- Mon.200mg / Wed.200mg / Fri.200mg
Winstrol Oral 12-18 -- 50mg/ED

PCT --
Nolva 18-24 -- 40/20/20/20/10/10
Clomid 18-22 -- Day1-200 100/50/50/50
HCG 5-16 -- 1000-EW/1000/1000/1000/1000/750/500/500

Letro / Caber on hand.

This is my cutting cycle, and will keep you guys posted, criticism is greatly appreciated.

First pin -- 3/15
Starting Stats --5'10 / 205lbs / 14%BF
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You are going to love this mix for sure, I ran a simular cycle a few years back and it was awesome for cutting up.
Here is my cycle layout --

Dbol Kickstart 1-4 -- 30mg/ED
Test E 1-16 -- 750mg/EW -- Mon.250mg / Wed.250mg / Fri.250mg
Tren E 1-12 -- 450mg/EW -- Mon.150mg / Wed.150mg / Fri.250mg=550
Masteron E 1-16 -- 600mg/EW -- Mon.200mg / Wed.200mg / Fri.200mg
Winstrol Oral 13-18 -- 50mg/ED

PCT --
Nolva 18-24 -- 40/20/20/20/10/10
Clomid 18-22 -- Day1-200 100/50/50/50
HCG 10-18 -- 1000-EW/1000/1000/1000/1000/750/500/500

Letro / Caber on hand.

This is my cutting cycle, and will keep you guys posted, criticism is greatly appreciated.

First pin -- 3/15
Starting Stats --5'10 / 205lbs / 14%BF

Hey welcome to 'ology bro

Just curious whats your cycle history like?
Hey welcome to 'ology bro

Just curious whats your cycle history like?

Well, lets see i have about 3 cycles under my belt.

Cycle#1 -- Dbol / Test
Cycle#2 -- Tren / Test
Cycle#3 -- Tbol / Test / EQ

And a bunch of prohormone cycles back in the day.
only changes i would make is to replace dbol with test p and to run the masteron the last 10wks instead of the entire 16. you are not going to see masteron's effects until you are under 10% so why waste it. and run the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) wk 4-16, stop 2 wks before pct. also run test p wks 17 and 18 with the winstrol so your test levels won't be dropping while the winstrol is still being administered.
My New User Post

Hi Everybody!

I just registered and wanted to tell everybidy hi. I'm not sure what to
tell about myself on these things, but I'm sure I'll get to know more
of you over time.

Thanks for the nice message board.

My bad guys! I totally forgot about this post.

Anyway im about to end week 4 and my current stats are : 213lbs, and my pants fit looser! Strength started coming this week, can't wait till it all really kicks in!!!

I ended up dropping dbol after week 2, because of gyno symptoms.
If anyone has a slight aggresive behavior, do not take tren. I was taking 10 week cycle of teste600mg, trenE400mg and 6 weeks of wyn50mg daily. I stayed pissed off. I had to stop at week 8 with the tren. I was ready to beat the shit out of anyone that looked my way. It will shed the fat though. Wish I knew another steroid that has the fat cutting affect. I went from 355max on bench to 400max. It works. But it will make one more aggresive.