Tren through a coffee filter


New member
Im in the middle of converting 8g tren from 2 TH belts. Im using a getpinz kit.

Heres what Ive done so far:
1) Added the pellets to dissolving solution, it sat for 14 hours
2) Added oil, swirled and let separate for 24 hours
3) Drew off the gold, avoided the gunk
4) Took the gunk and ran it through the included coffee filter
5) Began filtering

I was able to filter about half before my damn whatman clogged up. Im talkin 1 drop every 3 seconds. My question is this: Every instruction thread I have read (with pictures) show the solution after the coffee filter being clear. My solution that ran through the coffee filter was VERY coudy and made the solution completely opaque. I had 2 millex filters and they both clogged within a few seconds. Now im stuck.

Is the soultion supposed to be this cloudy before filtering, I think there is just too much shit in soultion, thats why I clogged 3 filters.

As a last resort I figured maybe there was a problem with that coffee filter, so I ran it all through another and got the same shit.

All in all this experiment was a pain in the ass. Did I forget to do something?
sometime that happens to all of us.

I always heat it before running through filter, ever since I've started doing this I've never clogged a filter yet.
but i never draw off the gold then filter the gunk through the coffee filter. I filter it all throuh the coffee filter. anyways the heat should work
I had a similar problem when i converted my Tren. I also used a GPZ kit. But after i did the final Whatman filter, it looked great. Nice and clear. A couple days later it looked a bit cloudy, i could see no sediment, it just wasnt as clear. I filtered once more, and after a day or two same thing. I could still see through the oil, but it was not crystal clear. Hell with it, I used all 38ml of it (4g kit) with no problems, actually it was the smoothest injection, with hardly any pain a day later. Good Luck...Det
The whatmans did the job this time around...Those millex millipore peices of garbage suck. They even cracked when I screwed them on a little too tight and I lost some tren.