Tren update


New member
almost a week down and here it is....

Strength and drive with some aggression very quickly

Sweating, night sweats and growing insomnia

Leans you out fast

Got gyno fast! B6 300mg ED made it dissapate quickly.

Sex drive is kicking baby. TRen has really got me going. Strange though because some say they get the opposite.

Easy inj's. NO pain.

No real sides other than the above and slight BP increase. Turns you alittle reddish.

So far so good................

you are only going to kepe loving it from here on out! i just started my second bottle of tren ace yesterday and switched tests to prop... i can't wait for them to start kickin in so i can get the strength aggression and sex driv ehtye give me :)... keep us posted bro!
Golden_Muscle said:
test prop and tren? Wont have to wait long.

shouldbe 3 or 4 days :)

and yes night sweats are the worst... i wake up absolutely SOAKED.. i have to put towels down n shit it's gross... and the insonmia is brutal when it starts but it subsides eventually
Since we started tren at the exact same time and I am using half the dosage you are, I will go down the line comparing my results to yours.

almost a week down and here it is....

Strength and drive with some aggression very quickly

Same here, noticing the aggression more so than the strength so far.

Sweating, night sweats and growing insomnia

Lots of sweating during the day, not so much during sleep. Its been taking me longer to fall asleep but I have no problems staying asleep for as long as I want.

Leans you out fast

Yep, getting tighter, even seeing a little more vascularity in the arms already. Abdomen is starting to bloat from all the food I'm eating though.

Got gyno fast! B6 300mg ED made it dissapate quickly.

Have not started B6 yet, ordering tonight. No gyno symptoms at all and just started aromasin day before yesterday. You were on more gear than me when you started so this may have had something to do with it. You have also shown yourself to be fairly gyno sensitive.

Sex drive is kicking baby. TRen has really got me going. Strange though because some say they get the opposite.

Sex drive is good, slightly more intense desire for sex but also harder to orgasm.

Easy inj's. NO pain.


No real sides other than the above and slight BP increase. Turns you alittle reddish.

I noticed red blotches all over my chest yesterday and today my face was also pretty flushed at different times.

So far so good................


LiftTillIDie said:
You have also shown yourself to be fairly gyno sensitive


Sex drive is good, slightly more intense desire for sex but also harder to orgasm.

I am experiencing this also. This really isn't a bad thing as I see it.

I noticed red blotches all over my chest yesterday and today my face was also pretty flushed at different times.

Me too. More so on my face. I almost had a burning sensation today at one point. seems to come and go though.

Dude get the b6 even if you don't need it. I think it makes you feel better in general
What are your symptons

Hey Rocco,

What kind of gyno symptoms are you getting? Tren is mostly known not to cause gyno, but every once in a while I here someone like you getting gyno symptons from tren.

Sleeping is a bitch. I am on a cycle of test, eq, and tren and I had to drop the tren on the 13th week. It was driving me crazy! lol
I'm on week 14 now and thinking about ordering more tren. I'm a glutton for punishment, or a dumbass, depending on how you look at it.
mustanged77 said:
Hey Rocco,

What kind of gyno symptoms are you getting? .

Nig swollen puffy nips with a large hard lump behing them. Mostly the right one. The left and the right were very sore if you touched the tissure behind the nipple. Got o the b6 at 300mg ED and it's preety much gone.
Good stuff!!! I am on Tren and Prop right now. Yeah the BP thing is getting to me, but managable. Hope you enjoy the cycle.
Ive been on Tren/Test E now for 3 1/2 weeks. Crusher told me I will fall in love with Tren. Honestly...if it was possible, id marry it. LOL. I have experienced zero sides, no achne, no gyno, no sweaty nights laying i bed. BUT, it def. has made my body temp rise a bit, and makes me really really red in the gym. This chick walked up to me yesturday and poked me in the arm and said..."you better stop that crap, your gonna kill yourself." haha the funny thing is that she wasnt talking about me cycling cause she doesnt know, but she was refurring to how freaking red I was because she knows I go tanning and she thought I was burned. LOL. so besides some major redness, no big sides. TONS of strength and drive and no agression problems. Basically, im in love.