Tren with 20% BA: How much BB can I add to reduce pain?


New member
My tren acetate mix was 4ml BB
21ml grape seed oil
2gm Fina
This recipe gives soreness at inj site
not as bad as Winstrol (winny) QV but why suffer
when I can add BB to reduce the pain

If I add 2 ml of BB to this 20ml tren mix
will that be enough to stop most of the pain?

I can just inj more to make up for any dilution of the 75mg/ml concentration.
bro you numbers do not add up. not even close.

4ml bb + 21ml oil + 2g tren = 27ml or very close.

thats only 14% solvent. is it ba or bb? you said both.
anyway add another 13ml or so of oil. this will give you approx. 40ml of 50mg/ml tren. that shoud take the sting out of it. 10% solvent then. which if its bb no prob if its ba then its ok for some and not for others as some are more sensitive to ba than others.

good luck.
bro you numbers do not add up. not even close.

4ml bb + 21ml oil + 2g tren = 27ml or very close.

thats only 14% solvent. is it ba or bb? you said both. [/B][/QUOTE]

Ok ...I'm kinda nervous , busy doing real time PCR today.
After a 18,000 RPM centrifuge to pellet down all the methyl
cellulose I am left with ~20 ml of clear golden oil. After which I filter sterilize using .20um filter and vacume. If i added
4ml of BA (I apologize, I meant BA not BB in the original)
Then i figure 4 in 20 is 20% BA, but actually, yes, you lose some in the methyl cellulose pellet could be ~ !7%

I got this from ....under "conversion mathematics" and I just split his doses in half for my 2g batch.

capinati also states another recipe where he uses 2mlBA to 6mlBB ratio

Once again, gentlemen (bros), can i just add a certain amount of BB
to the 20ml (perhaps oil too?) in order to make it painless?
FunnyMonkey said:
IF that shit is 20% BA who told you to do that?
Anything over 10% BA will start to hurt pretty bad IMO
Its all relative to volume to a certian degree. Ive done shots of IGF with 100% ba and had it be painless....cant count out volume.
you dont need anymore solvent. add oil.

but you cant have 21ml of oil and 4ml ba and end up with 20ml of solution. the tren will displace almost 2 ml. something is not right.

anyway next time use 5%ba/10% bb to disslove pellts. add oil then spin it. draw off and filter. you good to go.

i take it you work in a lab.

2g fina, 1ml ba, 2ml bb and 15ml or so of oil.

this will yield about 20ml of 100mg/ml.
DougoeFre5h said:
Its all relative to volume to a certian degree. Ive done shots of IGF with 100% ba and had it be painless....cant count out volume.

exactly. its not the concetration as much as the total volume of ba.
DougoeFre5h said:
Its all relative to volume to a certian degree. Ive done shots of IGF with 100% ba and had it be painless....cant count out volume.
well yeah but if this guy is making 100mg/ml and doing 100mg eod that ba is going to hurt

My buddies IGF is 100% BA and he noticed pain off of .05 mL I believe
zdravo said:
Once again, gentlemen (bros), can i just add a certain amount of BB
to the 20ml (perhaps oil too?) in order to make it painless?

I don't see how adding bb to the mix will help. Adding oil will help, how much is anybody's guess.

I'm not ashamed to say it, your post confuses the hell out of me. Which is dangerous when you are typing and have your back turned to pullinbig who has just started using test again after a long time away from it. :eek:
you know its only been 2 days and my nuts are tingling already. it cant be. this could be one for the ages sexxy texxy. =0)
pullinbig said:
you know its only been 2 days and my nuts are tingling already. it cant be. this could be one for the ages sexxy texxy. =0)

How many times do I have to tell you this pb, take the cat out of your pants after he's been in there more than 15 minutes. And to think you said you were declawing the cat so he wouldn't scratch up your furniture.
by the time you get here i prolly pull down you pants and long stroke that ass. =0) well now that was fun. i feel much better now.
gymphreak said:
man im worried bout peebie's family...should i go down and rescue his daughter?

Sure go ahead. But the last time somebody tried to do that...well, may1010 used to be one of the straightest guys around until he tried to do that... :eek:

I think pb is a trysexual - he'll try anything once!
TxLonghorn said:
How many times do I have to tell you this pb, take the cat out of your pants after he's been in there more than 15 minutes. And to think you said you were declawing the cat so he wouldn't scratch up your furniture.

well i got plenty of calusses left over from last go round with the test. well.... they actually scars. sides the cat has been removed fromthe home. i got me a new girl friend now. i'll post her pic in a minute.
TxLonghorn said:
Sure go ahead. But the last time somebody tried to do that...well, may1010 used to be one of the straightest guys around until he tried to do that... :eek:

I think pb is a trysexual - he'll try anything once!

once is not enough to make a fair assesment.