dtone's recipes

Hey can anybody help with some info, where can I get PEG 300 or peg 400?. If someone can PM me with a source that would be great.
Few days ago after second time buying fake gear i decided that in future i make my own. I losing money on fu... diet and sups and because of fake gear i don't have results i should have. Great post and forum thanks guys i will start looking for raw materials!
Woot! This post's awesomeness is without parallel!
How high of a primo concentration can u go without it "crashing"? What would be the ratios, then? If anyone can help out, I'd be appreciative.
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Hey I am new to this and I am still at the learning and reading part but where it says:

test E/C/D, deca, Eq, tren E, Primo E 50mls @ 200mgs/ml
10g powder
17.5ml Ethyl Oleate (EO)
16ml Grapeseed Oil (GSO)
1.5ml BA (3%)
7.5ml BB (15%)

Does that mean this is the recipe for each? or I would be creating a mix? I am thinking its just a recipe for say test E or deca but it doesnt hurt to be sure.

I think it's a generic recipe for each one of these. Just substitute the powder amount with the one u want. If you want deca, use 10g of powder, for example.
Thank for the good info.
Thinking of doing my first brewing on Test E, but a bit worried that I`ll fuck it up the first time.
What do you guys recomend on filtering?
Were thinking of this one lemelange.com/stericup-gvfilterunit-1000ml.aspx, just maybe in a smaller one :P
Thank for the good info.
Thinking of doing my first brewing on Test E, but a bit worried that I`ll fuck it up the first time.
What do you guys recomend on filtering?
Were thinking of this one lemelange.com/stericup-gvfilterunit-1000ml.aspx, just maybe in a smaller one :P

For small batches just use whatman syringe filters. They screw right on the end of your syringe. Draw the solution to be filtered, then screw the filter on, then push solution through filter.
Hi there what is this eo you talk about it is a pre workout or something because thats what i am looking for cheers

EO stands for ethyl oleate. Its just one ingredient thats used in many recipes. Its a solvent/carrier. Not a preworkout! If you want a good pre workout, you want TNE (test no ester). However, i reccomend you find a source for it. This is a difficult compound to make. I dont reccomend trying to make it unless you are experienced in the "lab".
Hey can anybody help with some info, where can I get PEG 300 or peg 400?. If someone can PM me with a source that would be great.

You need more posts before asking for source information. Im not trying to be a dick. It just protects you and the members of this board.
Dtone! I would love to see a recipe for a dbol/TNE blend. By the way, your thread is a great resource. And ive had much success with it. Thanks!
***I am providing this information to serve as a quick reference for those who know how to brew and are possibly interested in other concentrations/mixtures. PLEASE do not pm me asking for step by step instructions on how to brew and where to get powder and supplies. if you have a specific question, I'd be glad to help, but I am not going to do everything for you...I figured this post was helpful enough.***

****You will see Ethyl Oleate in most of these recipes. As I discuss below, EO is absolutely not necessary for basic concentrations. It should be considered a "luxury" for those who want thinner solutions and/or want to brew something at a higher concentration. People respond differently to EO and if you have a problem with...don't use it. If you wish not to use EO with the following recipes, just replace the amount of EO with the oil of your choice. I have listed these recipes with a general 50% EO/50% GSO mixture, as this is the standard. You can use any amount of EO you desire, from 0% to 100%, just make sure you do the math correctly and come out with the same amount of ml's.

Test E/C/D, Deca, Eq, Tren E, Primo E 50mls @ 200mgs/ml
10g powder
17.5ml Ethyl Oleate (EO)
16ml Grapeseed Oil (GSO)
1.5ml BA (3%)
7.5ml BB (15%)

Test E/C/D, Deca, Eq, Tren E, Primo E 40mls @ 250mgs/ml
10g powder
13.3ml EO
12 ml GSO
1.2ml BA (3%)
6ml BB (15%)

Test E/C/D, Deca, Eq 40mls @ 300mgs/ml
12g powder
11.8ml EO
10ml GSO
1.2ml BA (3%)
8ml BB (20%)

Test E/D, Deca, Eq 30mls @ 333mgs/ml
10g powder
10ml EO
5.6ml GSO
.9ml BA (3%)
6ml BB (20%)

Test Prop (TP)/PhenylProp (TPP), Tren A, Masteron, Npp 100mls @ 100mg/ml
10g powder
37.5ml EO
37ml GSO
3ml BA (3%)
15ml BB (15%)

Test Phenylprop, Masteron, Npp 60mls @ 150mg/ml
9g powder
25ml EO
14.5ml GSO
1.8ml BA (3%)
12ml BB (20%)

Test PP, Masteron, NPP 60mls @ 166mg/ml
10g powder
25ml EO
13.7 GSO
1.8ml BA (3%)
12 ml BB (20%)

Cut Stack (test p 75mg/ml, tren a 50mg/ml, masteron 50mg/ml) 40mls @ 175mg/ml
3g test prop powder
2g tren a powder
2g masteron powder
15ml EO
10.6ml GSO
1.2ml BA (3%)
8ml BB (20%)

Mass Stack (Test E 150mg/ml, Deca 100mg/ml) 40mls @ 250mg/ml
6g test E powder
4g deca powder
13ml EO
12.3ml GSO
1.2ml BA (3%)
6ml BB (15%)

Sustanon 100mls @ 250mgs/ml
10g test dec
6g test iso
6g test phenyl
3g test p
32ml EO
31.25ml oil
3ml BA (3%)
15ml BB (15%)

Sustanon 100mls @ 350mgs/ml
13g test dec
8g test iso
8g test phenyl
6g test p
30.75mls EO
20mls GSO
3ml BA (3%)
20ml BB (20%)

TP(PP)/NPP stack (test p/pp 75mg/ml, npp 50mg/ml) 40mls @ 125mg/ml
3g test p/pp powder
2g npp powder
15.1ml EO
12ml GSO
1.2ml BA (3%)
8ml BB (20%)

Test Acetate (A), P, or PP/Tren A stack (test A/P/or PP 75mg/ml, tren a 50mg/ml) 40mls @ 125mg/ml
3g test a/p/pp powder
2g tren a powder
15.1ml EO
12ml GSO
1.2ml BA (3%)
8ml BB (20%)

Winstrol Recipe#1
50ml @ 50mg/ml
2.5g powders
8ml BB
2.5ml BA
1ml peg 300
.5ml poly
mix powder, bb, ba, and poly and heat at 325 degrees until dissolved, filter, and add 39ml distilled water and re-filter.

Winstrol recipe #2
20mls @ 50mg/ml
1g powder
4.8ml BB
0.6ml BA
0.6ml polysorbate 80
12.5ml distilled water
mix powder, BB, BA, and poly and heat until dissolved. filter, add water and re-filter

Winstrol recipe #3 Oil based (never done this but i trust the recipe)
20ml @ 50mg/ml
1g winstrol powder
17ml oil
.2ml BA
2 ml guaiacol ("super solvent")
mix powder and guaiacol first then add oil and BA.

Dtone! What a wonderful resource. Ive had much success with your recipes. I have a couple questions. First, i would love to have a recipe for a dbol/TNE blend.
Second, i tried to make test suspension using poly 80, and was unsuccessful. I tried to use a .20 micron whatman, it clogged after one vial, splitting the filter open and i lost the rest of the brew. So i want to try this again, and i also want to try your winnie recipe #2. Should i be using. 45 micron filters? The filtering procedure must be different for these compounds because of the amount of miconized particles floatin in the solution. I dont want to filter out all my hormone. Any advice?
For small batches just use whatman syringe filters. They screw right on the end of your syringe. Draw the solution to be filtered, then screw the filter on, then push solution through filter.

Thanks for the tip Hijacked.
Have some more questions but think I will ask them on another thread not ruining Dtones.
For the winny..

I have a question though, what size filter do you use?

From what I understand, you mix the raw, ba, bb and poly together. However, when do you add the PEG300?

What type of poly do you use?