Trenazone cylce


New member
So this is my first time using a prohormone. I have been working out since i was 16. Im currently 21 so i figured ive hit a good age to try out a ph.

For my cycle so far i plan on running Trenazone for 4 weeks at 1/1/1/1 with Competitive Edge Labs Cycle Assisst and Fish Oil. For post cycle therapy (pct) i have Liquid Tamox that i plan on running 50/50/50/50 along with Competitive Edge Labs post cycle therapy (pct) Assist. My workout regiment is 8 days on 1 day off and am currently just working on getting my diet clean to start running this.

Im just curious if Im missing anything or if any of the dosages should be alterred. This is also my first post so please bear with me. All Feedback is greatly appreciated
what are your other stats man?

from what i've heard about trenazone i wouldn't use it as a first go. it apparently has pretty good efficacy converting into tren (or a very close derivative) and 19-nor steroids will shut you down hard. i'd stick with something lighter like halodrol.

just my .02
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get yur diet in check and have extra food ready. ive used tren ph made eat twice as much also i was irritated all the time. works very well if yur diet and lifting is on point, dont try and take more when you start seeing results.
Body Fat-10%

My workout routine is
Repeat then take a day off

As far as diet goes i try to take in atleast 200 grams of protein a day and have been eating a lot of carbs to try and bulk up before its time to start cutting back down. Ive cut all junk food and soda out and drink atleast a gallon of water a day.
Body Fat-10%

My workout routine is
Repeat then take a day off

As far as diet goes i try to take in atleast 200 grams of protein a day and have been eating a lot of carbs to try and bulk up before its time to start cutting back down. Ive cut all junk food and soda out and drink atleast a gallon of water a day.

first, congrats to getting to the level you are right now. though i don't know where you started but good work thus far.

okay. there are 2 issues i see right away. first, you're training a lot and resting a little. not the best scenario for growth but this also depends on the intensity and the variability of your workouts day to day and first/second round before rest.

the second is that you're not counting your cals. which for some people isn't an issue but when you stop getting bigger that means your body has gotten as big as it can and is being restricted by something - usually its calories. i notice my best results when i count everything. is it hard? yes. do people look at me weird? yes. but it works.

age is another issue and had i known back then what i know now, i wouldn't have been so hell bent on getting on a cycle of anything so fast - its a marathon, not a sprint. Try and sprint this shit and your end up like Aziz or Zyzz or whatever his name was. These are just words of advice - I'm not saying you're too young because i started by then too but I'm pretty close to your age and I wish i would have waited.

i will say though that using a 19-nor for a first go would be a bad idea. look to something mild like hdrol or epistane. I know the non-methyl side of tren PHs can be enticing but there are other sides that go along with that, prolactin issues, estrogen issues, harder on endocrine system. I just wouldn't do it - if youre dead set on a tren product make sure you know everything about it and have all the ancillaries you need before you start your cycle. the worst thing that can happen is that you get nasty nasty sides and are caught off guard then those nasty sides get worse. get all cycle support, estro control, prolactin control, and post cycle therapy (pct) on hand before you even order your trenazone.

GL with your decision.
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300g pro ED, 220-360g carb ED, 50-80g fat ED. you need to eat to grow, at your age your natty GH levels will metabolize stuff so fast you most likely not gain any BF.

If you do add in some post WO cardio. All you need to do is eat, sleep, lift. natty @ 21 your at the best time to gain muscle with natural hormones. they are at their peaks (for the most part) so take advantage of it.

if you eat right, get proper rest you will grow....very quickly. forget anabolics for now, concentrate on what you can control and forget the shit that you cant.

follow a good training schedule and watch the results come. whey,bcaa,fish oil, creatine are all the supps you ll need. maybe some beta alanine, + Argimate, etc but thats it.
I am also very intrested in this stuff. I didnt realize it was non-methylated??? Does anyone have it stats or weight gain statistics that they have personal gained from this ph??? I will have to do some more research myself as well. Also what is this ph comparable to???
I am also very intrested in this stuff. I didnt realize it was non-methylated??? Does anyone have it stats or weight gain statistics that they have personal gained from this ph??? I will have to do some more research myself as well. Also what is this ph comparable to???

tren. thats why its called 'tren'azone.

its apparently the old xtren but it makes it through some sort of loophole b/c its TD... or maybe there's a slight chem alteration, i've heard both.
Does this transdermal shit really work? It seems like it would be an ineffective delivery system.

Also, I know it claims it is supposed to resemble tren but that shit is supposed to be extremely powerful. I doubt it comes anywhere close to being as effective. Also if it is not methylated then why not just swallow it? What harm could be done. I am sure that is more of an effective delivery method.