Trenbolone Enanthate

wow, I'd love to get my hands on some tren enathate, mix it with test e and just shoot twice a week, it be awsome.

Billy did you use super solvent or BB to make the two trens at such high concentration? How much BA?
Hey Johnny B,
BL's mix is 100mg/ml...thats the tren acetate....100mg/ml Tren Enan.....And a mix of 25mg/ml acetate 75mg/ml Enan...Hope this helps
osujudoman said:
Is the raw material form already available? Domestic or foreign. And how much is it selling for by the gram?

- Judoman
Yes it' avalible now overseas and soon domestic.

Spacedet01 said:
Hey Johnny B,
BL's mix is 100mg/ml...thats the tren acetate....100mg/ml Tren Enan.....And a mix of 25mg/ml acetate 75mg/ml Enan...Hope this helps
Thanks Bro
