tried water-based winny formula ...


New member
I tried to make the water-based Winstrol (winny) formula that was posted in douge's sticky; but it came out like a thick white gel/goo. WHat when wrong?

I add the distilled water/BA combo first in the vial then the peg400/stan combo. Was I to reverse this step??
Post your amounts of each ingredient you used. FYI, i follow those steps exactly when making it and it works beautifully. It will also work the other way around (water into peg) but I like doing it the other way for many reasons.
No offence bro, but its likely you... I'm having the same troubles as you are right now, but I finally got one to hold in suspension! It took me around 5 tries before I got it right, and now (hopefully) I can continue replicating that time after time!!! LOL

As Dougoe mentioned though... you need to follow everything step by step!

DougoeFre5h said:
Post your amounts of each ingredient you used. FYI, i follow those steps exactly when making it and it works beautifully. It will also work the other way around (water into peg) but I like doing it the other way for many reasons.

care to share oh wise, young and tender one? :D
Well first off the un crashed peg stays hot while its waiting to be titrated. If it was in the vial and you were shooting water into would be cooling before all of it was shocked back out of solution by the water, hence some people having clumpy shitty batches that way.

Biggest thing is, you have to filter the peg mix when its nice and fuckin hot. Use distilled water too guys.