TRT 8 weeks in update and blood work


I am banned!
I've been on Sustanon 225mg 1x/wk with no AI and no hCG. I've recently added hCG and Armidex to my protocol, but these results were before that.

In Japan the results don't come with ref ranges and I forgot to ask the doctor for the rr of the Prolactin, but it was right in the middle of the range.
Estrodiol- 31pg/ml (15-48)* regular array, not sensitive
Test (total)- 9.59ng/ml (1.31-8.71)* even though my results came in above the rr, Japanese man have lower T than Western guys, so I figure I'd probably be right at the top of the range if tested in the States.

So I'm very pleased with the results. This is my first time using T and it seems I don't aromatize a lot even though I started at 20% bf.

Since those numbers were spot on and since I'll be switching to hCG monotherapy for 6 months to try to regain fertility (diagnosed with no sperm when I was diagnosed with low T 3 years ago), I've decided to make the most out of my first experience with T.

I've upped my dose to 225 2x/wk with the addition of Armidex .5 2x/wk and hCG 300 2x/wk. I'm 3 weeks into this and will continue another 5, giving me a total first run at T of 16 weeks.

Results have been really good. No sides like acne or water retention. I'm medicated for blood pressure, but since starting L-Argentine at 4000mg/day I've had my BP go down despite being on a larger dose of T. It's at 120/60.

I've been meticulous about diet and am cutting a lot of fat and weight. Went from 109kg to 103, but since adding the additional T I've been gaining weight, but losing fat. Best of both worlds I suppose. I'm back up to 106, but slimmer than I was at 103. I've been on a Ketogenic diet.

I'm excited to do an actual real cycle while bulking (eating carbs) and upping my T dose and adding Deca. I plan on doing this after the hCG monotherapy sometime this Winter. I've started HGH at 2iu/day and will up to 3iu after the first month. I'll continue this up until and then through my first "real" cycle. The plan after that is to continue with TRT for the duration of my life.

One question I have: my libido was up after my initial TRT dose, but since has gone down. I don't see any reason for this considering my E2 levels and prolactin. Once I am stimulated I am fine, but I've lost spontaneous erections and also morning wood. Any thoughts?

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