Hi Guys,
I have been on TRT for 4 years. I started at 26, and am now 30. I have an appointment with the physician Later today, and need your help, as to what to ask( yes same person giving the test ). I was taking test Cyp 200mg EOW for 3 years. Then 100mg EW for a month or two, then 150mg EW for 9 months. However, roughly 3 months ago my brand changed( still 150mg EW ), and this is when I started to getting side effects. I noticed abnormal hair growth on my upper chest( smooth before )....I started to notice hair on my shoulder, then on the triceps, then other places. Also places on my torso where I had hair has gotten thicker. Also, a few weeks ago, I noticed my hair in on scalp getting thinner. I mean virtually in 3-4 months time my body looked like a 25 year old with shirt off, to a 40 year old. I didn't know wtf was going on. So when I seen a thinning spot on head...I basically said fck that. What is weird is that I have been on TRT for 4 years!!! Why now with the effects?
So I called a doc and had labs done and did my own
. I noticed we never checked DHT. Also to note...half of my blood work my Estradiol has been high, namely in the 40-90 range, about 50% of the time- More increasingly with EW shots. I will post a lab at the bottom and what effects things had at different dosages. However, I noted this to an Endo- nothing happened for an A.I and my doc. So the E2 is a side note- no gyno or anything. What gives with the hair, and lack there of? The only thing I changed physically was I cut 20lbs in 16 weeks for summer. I am 5ft.8 @186. I was 204-207. Guys I can live with acne, sometimes Cystic...I can deal with some Atrophy of the testicles, but not the quick abnormal hair growth all over and thinning of hair on part or parts of scalp. I am not on HCG or an A.I. So my question to you guys...If I stop TRT will my hair, I noticed on scalp grow back? If I lower T dose, will it grow back or stop? My father didn't start to thin until mid 40s, and he actually thinned from the top, not front right. My mother as a full set of hair, so does her mother. My hair is thick on scalp...I mean they use a number 2.5 on top and 1 on sides, and sometimes sizzor cut behind bangs after.......So when I took my Labs, one lab at my troph was: 548 Free test and TT 818...the free Test was high!!! Then I had another test done, my TT was beyond 1500 at peak! So then I looked at DHT. Am I wrong in this? My DHT was 602...and the range for that was 106-719. This was at Troph but my free test was at 217 and total was 582. Also, that last Lab I gave, I actually lowered my Test to 120mg that week. I have now lowered my Test to 105mg. Main concern is hair. Here is the lab of the 120mg test dosage, after seeing the free test high on a troph on one previous Test and my Test Total high on a peak subsequent Test. I will post my lab, then how I felt with each dose throughout the 4 years.
So at 120mg at troph, I got my levels back. I checked DHT. So understand these results are 8 days out of a 120mg injection.
My Test Total:
Free test:
Scale: 47-244
Scale: 11-80
Scale: 106-719
My regular dose was 150mg- however, been since dosing down. When my DHT was checked( upon my request ) I did 120mg that week( see above ). So, unless I find a doc who can treat my DHT levels- getting them in good non hair thinning range- and prob estrogen as well....I might just quit TRT. I mean my insurance covers the testosterone, so it is Pharm grade. Also Covers my needles, alchol swabs etc. So I thought it was a good deal. However, anyone's thoughts on quitting TRT, and what to expect..quitting? Also, am I wrong suspecting DHT for the hair? Also, the elevated levels of estrogen for extra fat on mid section? Also would hair regrow after quitting or lowering the dose? Have no clue what to say to the doctor lol.
Last thoughts on 200mg EOW I seen some cystic Acne, some needed cut open in the ER. My estrogen was slightly at times elevated. I would also feel almost like blood pressure was elevating at times. My test never measured super physiological.
200mg was on for 3 years
@ 150mg EW 1 year total- First 9 months
Cystic acne was about the same, my Blood pressure feelings somewhat diminished. More proactive aggressive- not roid rage- although iritable at times, almost a perfectionist....but got a lot done. Estrogen was higher! 60-90. Strength fell off a little.
@150mg EW- After distributor change- Last 3 months
Cystic Acne got worse, Hair growth on body, Hair thinning in a spot on scalp, Continued high estrogen, Test super physiological, free test got above normal on a troph. Erections the best ever, but my physical strength fell off - DHT high end of normal, measuring 602 on a scale of 106-719- this at troph. ******Do note: First time I ever checked DHT*******
I have been on TRT for 4 years. I started at 26, and am now 30. I have an appointment with the physician Later today, and need your help, as to what to ask( yes same person giving the test ). I was taking test Cyp 200mg EOW for 3 years. Then 100mg EW for a month or two, then 150mg EW for 9 months. However, roughly 3 months ago my brand changed( still 150mg EW ), and this is when I started to getting side effects. I noticed abnormal hair growth on my upper chest( smooth before )....I started to notice hair on my shoulder, then on the triceps, then other places. Also places on my torso where I had hair has gotten thicker. Also, a few weeks ago, I noticed my hair in on scalp getting thinner. I mean virtually in 3-4 months time my body looked like a 25 year old with shirt off, to a 40 year old. I didn't know wtf was going on. So when I seen a thinning spot on head...I basically said fck that. What is weird is that I have been on TRT for 4 years!!! Why now with the effects?
So I called a doc and had labs done and did my own

So at 120mg at troph, I got my levels back. I checked DHT. So understand these results are 8 days out of a 120mg injection.
My Test Total:
Free test:
Scale: 47-244
Scale: 11-80
Scale: 106-719
My regular dose was 150mg- however, been since dosing down. When my DHT was checked( upon my request ) I did 120mg that week( see above ). So, unless I find a doc who can treat my DHT levels- getting them in good non hair thinning range- and prob estrogen as well....I might just quit TRT. I mean my insurance covers the testosterone, so it is Pharm grade. Also Covers my needles, alchol swabs etc. So I thought it was a good deal. However, anyone's thoughts on quitting TRT, and what to expect..quitting? Also, am I wrong suspecting DHT for the hair? Also, the elevated levels of estrogen for extra fat on mid section? Also would hair regrow after quitting or lowering the dose? Have no clue what to say to the doctor lol.
Last thoughts on 200mg EOW I seen some cystic Acne, some needed cut open in the ER. My estrogen was slightly at times elevated. I would also feel almost like blood pressure was elevating at times. My test never measured super physiological.
200mg was on for 3 years
@ 150mg EW 1 year total- First 9 months
Cystic acne was about the same, my Blood pressure feelings somewhat diminished. More proactive aggressive- not roid rage- although iritable at times, almost a perfectionist....but got a lot done. Estrogen was higher! 60-90. Strength fell off a little.
@150mg EW- After distributor change- Last 3 months
Cystic Acne got worse, Hair growth on body, Hair thinning in a spot on scalp, Continued high estrogen, Test super physiological, free test got above normal on a troph. Erections the best ever, but my physical strength fell off - DHT high end of normal, measuring 602 on a scale of 106-719- this at troph. ******Do note: First time I ever checked DHT*******