TRT blast help, multiple points to consider


New member
First post.

Age 28
TRT - 100 mg E4D, 1000 iu HCG/week
Ht/wt- 6'3 - 215 lbs - 8-10% body fat
Training for past 10 years, constantly reasearching - far from dumb.

Hello all,

I've come for your advice, as my relentless searches for each of my concerns has left me with conflicting evidence and certain issues unaddressed.

I've been on TRT for a year now, everything going very smoothly. I go to an Anti Aging clinic with regular full blood panels, extremely extensive. As in, 7-10 pages worth each time. Around $4k's worth. Test levels are 1000-1200 and doc loves it, so do I.

I began TRT at 192 lbs, am now 215. Currently at my strongest ever on all lifts and am very vascular. My diet and 6 day a week training has brought me here, and I am thus far very pleased. I have that anatomy chart look.

I've decided I would like to blast, my goal being 225 lbs at 8% bodyfat. Here are my concerns.

1. My doctor finding something in that extensive blood work he runs that would raise his suspicion. This is a higher end, anti aging clinic, thorough knowledge on TRT beyond my imagination. In other words, I'm concerned there's no fooling this guy and I'm scared to lose his trust. I believe my BW is run once every six months since bloods are stable. So the compound and ester would have to be friendly in that respect.

2. I am not looking to run a massive cycle. I would like the use the minimum amount possible to achieve my goals. My current test dose of 100mg E4D, I am not looking to raise. I would prefer to use another compound on top of the Cypionate, which brings me to...

3. Hair loss - a lot of guys say a first cycle/blast should just be 500 mg T/week. On 200 mg my hair has thinned significantly, but I have been using Nioxin shampoo which has helped a lot. I know from taking a couple extra shots of test, that I start to shed fairly quickly. So I would prefer to keep test dose at 200, and add a compound on top that would be a little more hair friendly than testosterone.

4. And lastly, I would prefer not to blow up quickly in 6 weeks, as I don't want family to notice. I would prefer a lesser, longer dose so the gains would be slower and not extreme. However this conflicts with running the risk with bloodwork detection. (timing/remaining esters/elevated counts)

I've considered three main compounds, Anavar, EQ and NPP. As they are lean bulkers and easy on the hair.

I was considering these cycles.

1. 40 mg anavar a day for 6-8 weeks.

2. 3-400 mg of EQ for 12-14 weeks

3. 100 mg EOD of NPP for 8-10 weeks.

Most will say my EQ dose is low, but I'm hesitant with my hair, especially it being a longer duration.

I'm also open to running a prohormone but most are DHT based so they'll Mr. Clean me.

If any have any suggestions or solutions on what/how to cycle please, I'm all ears.

Would consider finasteride on a test/dht compound blast but I'm seriously hesistant to touch that stuff. Had ED issues in the past and it shot my self worth to hell.

Thanks for reading guys. I appreciate any and all feedback. Oh, and no "just shave it" responses. My hair is too good to lose.
I'd avoid fina. Give Rogaine (minoxidil) a go, worked wonders for me.

Any of your options would be good, although I think you'd need a higher dose on the EQ. NPP being the most anabolic choice.
I'd avoid fina. Give Rogaine (minoxidil) a go, worked wonders for me.

Any of your options would be good, although I think you'd need a higher dose on the EQ. NPP being the most anabolic choice.

I have minoxidil, but haven't used as Nioxin has sufficed. I think i'll give it a go, only problem I style my hair with product so it makes it difficult to always have in my hair.

As for the EQ, what dosage would you suggest?

Would that or the NPP be okay with 200mg of testosterone? or would i get deca dick
If you are going to go bald you will go bald. Steroids just help accelerate the process. Until you get past the hair issue of yours, I wouldnt recommend running a blast.