trt question regarding overall health


avi changes as i do
First off, its good to be bak, I've been gone awile. Anywayss the point of my thread is just to get some basics from you all on your thoughts of trt, as I just started trt last week. How long shouuld I go on, what do I need to be cautious of including diet, smoking, sex life, overalll health concerns? Input on anything that I need to know would help guys, thnx! I willl say that I am currently trying to quit smoking, just quit introvenious heroin use about 4months ago & currently on suboxone, 40 yrs old, 194lbs, (prettyb lean) 6' tall. The trt doc started me at 200 cyponate(first shot) & will be at 1 shot of 100 cyp once a week. Anyone that has kicked smoking cigs id like advise on that too. My labs showed my current test level to be 305, btw.
TRT is for life brother. Read and read and read some more. Most important thing you can do once you start TRT, is have labs run. When starting TRT you CAN NOT have labs run too much. Get dialed in with test and E2 levels.
If you really want to get something out of the TRT you gotta do 200mg a week, every week. You will not really notice a benefit from 100mg a week. This has been my experience and that of 2 other friends on TRT. 100 mg a week at your size will get you around 500-700 levels in your blood. you want to be up around 1000 if you can.
so this may sound obvious, but I'm assuming if I ask the doc to up the does, then the amunt I have to pay for the injections would go up?
so this may sound obvious, but I'm assuming if I ask the doc to up the does, then the amunt I have to pay for the injections would go up?

Don't you self inject? If not, demand to be allowed to self inject. You would go through your vial of test faster, so yes, you would pay more.
Kinda early in introveneous heroin addiction recovery. Think ill go get stuck at the office for a few months or see if they will let my girl do it. I don't wanna have a needle in hand quie yet, if ever again...feel me.? with my addictive personallity, id prolly go through the vial in no time, left up to me. I'm just trying to save a bit cuz insurance doesn't covere this & as I'm sure u know, trt is quite expensivve....that bsaid, cheaper than what I was spending feeding my H addiction
Injectable testosterone is quite cheap and the dose SHOULD have a negligible impact on the cost of treatment.
Kinda early in introveneous heroin addiction recovery. Think ill go get stuck at the office for a few months or see if they will let my girl do it. I don't wanna have a needle in hand quie yet, if ever again...feel me.?

Smart move.

As far as quitting smoking bro... you just gotta keep at it. It will take a heap of times before you finally get there (I did!) If you can quit heroin I'd bet your strong enough to quit smoking eventually.
Might be a good idea to try and quit at the beginning of a bulk... hunger tends to make you want to smoke more.

Otherwise, the drug Champix works wonders as well.
Smart move.

As far as quitting smoking bro... you just gotta keep at it. It will take a heap of times before you finally get there (I did!) If you can quit heroin I'd bet your strong enough to quit smoking eventually.
Might be a good idea to try and quit at the beginning of a bulk... hunger tends to make you want to smoke more.

Otherwise, the drug Champix works wonders as well.
i recommend he fully recovers from the heroin issue before tackling smoking.. one addiction at a time..
i recommend he fully recovers from the heroin issue before tackling smoking.. one addiction at a time..

My thought too. The shit really eats at me though...I got a lot of kidds looking up to me...5hree hers & two mine.
Don't you self inject? If not, demand to be allowed to self inject. You would go through your vial of test faster, so yes, you would pay more.

So my vial came in the mail today, took it to the clinic & asked the doc about increasing the dose to 200mgs/week & he said he wants to keep me at 100/week until they do bloods again 6 weeks into this. Check to see where I'm at then increase dose, if need be....
If you really want to get something out of the TRT you gotta do 200mg a week, every week. You will not really notice a benefit from 100mg a week. This has been my experience and that of 2 other friends on TRT. 100 mg a week at your size will get you around 500-700 levels in your blood. you want to be up around 1000 if you can.

I meant for my last comment to be in reply to this comment from Moppy1....thnx