TRT with no AI , new info from Jay Campbell


New member
HI guys.

Anyone seen the new Youtube podcast with Jay Campbell, Mr TOT Revolution where he claims that using AI will only hurt you ?? He was before a big proponent of using AI´s but apparently hes been talking to other doctors in the community and they are advising against the use of it. We use it to get our Estrogen in check but as they state, its ok to have higher E2 on TRT than normal natural people, as E2 will protect your a great deal from Heart attacks.
Anyone dropped their AI and had great success/ had improvement in libido and sexual performance?

I also started doing daily SUBQ about 1.5 months ago, they said it would take people anywhere from 1-2 months to feel an improvement in libido and performance. Personnally i havent yet but im looking forward to see the outcome soon, and what my blood markers would be tested at, especially my E2.

Anyone have any input ? :-)
Higher E2 can cause the growth of breast.

I personally grew breast because my epileptic medications caused increased estrogen conversion. I had test and E levels "within ranges" but I didn't think about or want sex, had no erections ever and grew best tissue. I basically had the wrong levels and had low testosterone and elevated estrogen.

I went onto TRT and with increased aromatase inhibitors I feel better than I have in years.

To not use an aromatase inhibitor one needs to keep a dose low enough.
Stan Efferding is the fucking man. Smart, dedicated, educated and experience in a lot of fitness areas.

Listen to what he has to say about estrogen blockers.

Obviously, if you’re going to supplement test, your E2 is going to rise, which isn’t an inherently bad thing.

Watch, read, research, get blood work and make your own informed decisions based on your experiences and reactions.

Also, when I take 100mg of cyp once per week, my E2 is around 40. I feel right and don’t use an AI.
Stan Efferding is the fucking man. Smart, dedicated, educated and experience in a lot of fitness areas.

Listen to what he has to say about estrogen blockers.

Obviously, if you***8217;re going to supplement test, your E2 is going to rise, which isn***8217;t an inherently bad thing.

Watch, read, research, get blood work and make your own informed decisions based on your experiences and reactions.

Also, when I take 100mg of cyp once per week, my E2 is around 40. I feel right and don***8217;t use an AI.

thanks for sharing.
A good doctor will go by how your feel not so much by numbers. I'm on 100mg /week (50mg every 3.5 days) and my E2 is always around 30-35 and I feel fine. This is with no AI.

Now here's the kicker: When I blast 500mg/week my E2 goes up to 80-100 and I still feel fine. If I take an AI to bring my E2 back down to 20-30 I feel horrible. I believe it's more of a ratio between Test/E2 than actual "range". Just my 2 cents..
A good doctor will go by how your feel not so much by numbers. I'm on 100mg /week (50mg every 3.5 days) and my E2 is always around 30-35 and I feel fine. This is with no AI.

Now here's the kicker: When I blast 500mg/week my E2 goes up to 80-100 and I still feel fine. If I take an AI to bring my E2 back down to 20-30 I feel horrible. I believe it's more of a ratio between Test/E2 than actual "range". Just my 2 cents..

This is exactly how I feel about it!

Don*t just chase range numbers, but also how youre really feeling and performing.
I recently just switched to eod injections, to try to get off of anastrozole. The last time I took any anastrozole was January 24. It’s been 2 weeks, and I don’t need an AI. Since coming off the AI, I’ve already had a chronic condition disappear. Coincidence?
I***8217;ve been onTRT for around 8 years and never touched an AI.. I don***8217;t have breasts and I feel great.. my doc keeps my levels in the just over ***8220;high***8221; range.
Was trying without AI and over time was getting really bad side effects from estrogen. Psoriasis and heavy joint pain over much months and growing bad effects I was using Exemestane one pill and wow, the nexd days the most was healing. I'm now at a minimal dosage of 6g Exemestane each other day and it seems the E2 is back in good range.
Dont use full dosage like described in the letters for cancer patients or so. A really little ammount isn't killing the whole E2 and brings all back to healthy level.

But don't use other stuff then Exemestane, because aromasin isn't to handle at low dosage (its not suicidal) and Tamoxifene and so on doesn't prevent this bad effects and only helps with breast problems.
Was trying without AI and over time was getting really bad side effects from estrogen. Psoriasis and heavy joint pain over much months and growing bad effects I was using Exemestane one pill and wow, the nexd days the most was healing. I'm now at a minimal dosage of 6g Exemestane each other day and it seems the E2 is back in good range.
Dont use full dosage like described in the letters for cancer patients or so. A really little ammount isn't killing the whole E2 and brings all back to healthy level.

But don't use other stuff then Exemestane, because aromasin isn't to handle at low dosage (its not suicidal) and Tamoxifene and so on doesn't prevent this bad effects and only helps with breast problems.

is this in a cycle or are you on TRT?
as we all know if you***8217;re going to supplement test, your E2 is going to go up which of course wont cause you any issues.