TrueGrit has Passed Away - He will be missed.


New member
I come bearing sad news - TrueGrit has passed away. He died of a heart attack a few days ago - I am not sure what caused it. He was a solid believer in SARMs and other PEDs, lived this lifestyle with us, and will be sorely missed.

I am picking up his mantle as the SarmsSearch head rep on this forum. As many of you know, I not only love SARMs, but I love the potential they represent for all of us. I am going to strive to fill the big shoes TrueGrit left behind, which will not be an easy task.

If anyone has been trying to contact him, you now know why he has not responded. Please send any issues, questions, etc. to me. I look forward to serving the community!
Our deepest condolences to SarmsSearch and to his family. Its a sad day here at ology and TrueGrit will truly be missed.
a harsh reminder that we have to think about our health before anything else, including aesthetics..

its your body, you only get one. educate before you medicate (though im not absolutely assuming the cause of the heart attack was the compounds he used, its something to consider)
Great bloke and all round nice guy and no bullshit sort of attitude which is rare these days rip grit you will be missed round these parts my condolences to his family
To quote a great man: "this ain't pot and booze".

We don't know what caused his passing, but it's critical for people who live this lifestyle to keep on top of their health. This means regular blood work, blood pressure checks, supplementing with fish oil, donating blood regularly etc.

Do everything with your eyes wide open.

May he rest in peace.