trying the more natural route


New member
Hey all. I have used several cycles of AS and now i'm trying to stay legal and legit. I know supplements aren't going to get as good results but I was wondering where a good place to start would be. It really sucks because i know i could get the real thing for the same price or cheaper than a lot of the supplements out there. I have used creatine, wasn't all that impressed. I have used andro, it worked really well the first time but not as good since. Is it worth a try to go with some supplements or am I just wasting my money?
Yes! :doh:

Some of the are a little good, so the quantity and the price will be twice or triple as much as AAS. That's our sad story :nopity:

I'm planning to be a natty until I get my right amount of gear and my post cycle therapy (pct). Until then I'm using Creatine (with Taurine Vanadyl Sulfate Alpha Lipo Acid and Crom.Pic. with 75g of Dextrose) and Albuterol 2mg right before my workouts( the strenght is amaizing when combined with creatine),Tribulus 1600mg and
Whey at 46g. For now has been good, I will ck my diet to fit my new training.

Mix a little, try a little and the see for your self what is working for you. Remember nothing will compare with AAS, thats why they are illegal :afro: