trying to build mass


hey im trying to bulk up and i try to do a core movement for each muscle group(deadlift,squat,bench,BB curls,close grip bench,millitary press) how many sets of each should i do and in what rep range should i stay in to really build up mass?(btw i always start whatever im working with one of these, like if i was doin tri's i would start with close grip bench and follow up with a couple other movements)
That depends on your workout routine. If you are doing the standard one-bodypart-a-day split, then it will be different than if you are doing fullbody three times a week, or something like taht.

Personally, for core movements, I like to stay under 8 reps, preferrably in the 5 rep range when I'm mostly looking for mass.
Behemoth said:
That depends on your workout routine. If you are doing the standard one-bodypart-a-day split, then it will be different than if you are doing fullbody three times a week, or something like taht.

Personally, for core movements, I like to stay under 8 reps, preferrably in the 5 rep range when I'm mostly looking for mass.

what about moveements like close grip bench and bb curls?
steez said:
hey im trying to bulk up and i try to do a core movement for each muscle group(deadlift,squat,bench,BB curls,close grip bench,millitary press) how many sets of each should i do and in what rep range should i stay in to really build up mass?(btw i always start whatever im working with one of these, like if i was doin tri's i would start with close grip bench and follow up with a couple other movements)

I know some say its over training but I would recommend at least 8 to 10 working sets per bodypart and a rep range of 6 to 8. Dont go any higher on the reps unless maybe its a bicep or tricep exercise.
I would also make sure you make most of your lifts free weights. Probably already knew that though.
This worked for me.
matty2412 said:
I know some say its over training but I would recommend at least 8 to 10 working sets per bodypart and a rep range of 6 to 8. Dont go any higher on the reps unless maybe its a bicep or tricep exercise.
I would also make sure you make most of your lifts free weights. Probably already knew that though.
This worked for me.

never use anything else but free weights except maybe cable machine...awsome advice though...and im on cycle rigth so overtraining isnt a main concern.
steez said:
hey im trying to bulk up and i try to do a core movement for each muscle group(deadlift,squat,bench,BB curls,close grip bench,millitary press) how many sets of each should i do and in what rep range should i stay in to really build up mass?(btw i always start whatever im working with one of these, like if i was doin tri's i would start with close grip bench and follow up with a couple other movements)

read some of the training logs in the journal section for training tips. thats why its there.

you wanna be big and strong train like the big and strong guys train. :D