Trying to find research on HIIT vs LISS Metabolic Adaptation


New member
Aloha all!

So I am currently doing research for my masters degree, its a Masters of Education which is completely unrelated to what i am about to ask, and have access to massive databases of research. Everyone always talks about how the human body will adapt to LISS and become more efficient at LISS thus making it less effective overtime. And people talk about how HIIT is harder for the body to adapt to, or the body doesnt adapt at all. And after hearing these claims over and over I have tried to look for research on this and so far have come up nill. I am seeing if anyone has any research links to either of these two claims, and if so could they post up the links here for me?

P.S. If anyone wants any specific articles or interest in things in a universities research database u can pm too and i will try and help out.