Tweaked My Back While "On"


New member
So I'm in the middle of running Epi...and I tweaked my back while Dead'ing. I stopped my session in the gym as soon as I did it. But I can't continue lifting heavy. Should I start my PCT asap or just dose down for a week than try and start back up next week. I can still lift but it's not nearly as heavy.
20/30/40/40 is my dose and I did it my second day on 30
Thanks Guys.
First of all....that dosing schema is terrible....epi is best ran at 40MG or greater for 6 weeks. Your cycle is a waste of time honestly.

As far as your injury, get to the chiropractor. He'll tell you to quit lifting but you can still go and lift what you can. Train around it. If it hurts, don't do it.
Thanks for the input bro...I was able to get back in the gym and alter a few things and I'm back with little time and strength lost. I also adjusted the dose to 40 and will be on EPI for a total of 6 weeks.