two weeks into first cycle but no results?


New member
Hi, am new to the forums but been on the site plenty of times.

I'm currently doing my first cycle of injectables
2 weeks in but seeing no results

I am 22 and naturally trained for a year putting on 2st of lean
muscle 6.4" tall.

I train with me dad who's a bodybuilder
who helps with advice and injecting ect

My cycle is;
week 1-5. (per week; 2ml tri-sus) 50mg d-Bol daily
5-10 equipoise or equi-tes tapering off the d-Bol and then obviously HCG and clomid

both d Bol and the sus is pro chem but have had no changes yet
no acne or anything I have some orbis d-Bol so hoping it might just be
the pro chem dianabol I know the sus won't kick in for a while yet.

Any thoughts? Cheers
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your two weeks into it with dbol and have seen no results?? i would say its bunk

also at your age you shouldn't be cycling.. much less cycling that much gear for a first cycle.. that's a mess
that's what I think but the pro chem dianabol has the proper hologram sticker..
going to switch to orbis d bol.