Ultimate Test 350mg.. Advice


New member
Anyone ever heard of this combo?

Ultimate Test 350mg..

Enanthate 60mg, Cypionate 60mg, Isocaproate 70mg, Decanoate 80mg, Propionate 40mg, Phenylprop 40mg

Has anyone ever made combo like this and is it sore to inject?

Would the below calculations be right for it to make 100ml?

Enanthate 60mg x 100 = 6 grams
Cypionate 60mg x 100 = 6 grams
Isocaproate 70mg x 100 = 7 grams
Decanoate 80mg x 100 = 8 grams
Propionate 40mg x 100 = 4 grams
Phenylprop 40mg x 100 = 4 grams

Total = 35 grams of powder to make 100ml (is this rite?)

How much carrier oil (grapeseed oil), BA and BB would I use to make the 100ml?

Do you think that I could leave out any of the test and double up on another to make it handier to make but still as effective?

Can I just mix all the powders together and add the solvents or do each need dissolved separately then mixed after?

Sorry for all the questions guys but hear this combo ROCKS!!

Any help would be great!!
lol dont know about that fuck you would need a shit load of solvent to hold it togther as for calculations 35g @100ml look correct as for ba and bb lol fuck i dnt know i would go easy 5-8%ba 30-35%bb who know you might need less just my 2 cents good luck bro.
DTIreland said:
Anyone ever heard of this combo?

Ultimate Test 350mg..

Enanthate 60mg, Cypionate 60mg, Isocaproate 70mg, Decanoate 80mg, Propionate 40mg, Phenylprop 40mg

Has anyone ever made combo like this and is it sore to inject?

Would the below calculations be right for it to make 100ml?

Enanthate 60mg x 100 = 6 grams
Cypionate 60mg x 100 = 6 grams
Isocaproate 70mg x 100 = 7 grams
Decanoate 80mg x 100 = 8 grams
Propionate 40mg x 100 = 4 grams
Phenylprop 40mg x 100 = 4 grams

Total = 35 grams of powder to make 100ml (is this rite?)

How much carrier oil (grapeseed oil), BA and BB would I use to make the 100ml?

Do you think that I could leave out any of the test and double up on another to make it handier to make but still as effective?

Can I just mix all the powders together and add the solvents or do each need dissolved separately then mixed after?

Sorry for all the questions guys but hear this combo ROCKS!!

Any help would be great!!

if you wanna do fast acting test and lsow together mkae them seperatley. for exampl emake enan and prpo. then you can mix them togerther in the syringe.

its like sus. i dont see the point of it. be patient and stick with long ester gear. less trouble, better results in the long run, and less volumous shots.

however if you set on it 2%ba and 20% bb will work jes fine.

youll need to do eod shots or at least 3xw with the prop and phenylprop esters.
Thanks for the reply..

what 2 test would you recommend combining out of the 6 listed?
Could i make the 2 separately, say 50ml of each, then mix together in 100ml vial? would they mix ok?

need good strong test shot!!!
DTIreland said:
need good strong test shot!!!
Then go a higher concentration of a single testosterone ester.

pullinbig is suggesting that you not mix _any_ of the different testosterone esters. Or if you do want to mix them, then make them up seperately and mix them in the syringe. And I agree.

Just go with testosterone cypionate or testosterone enanthate.
mranak said:
Then go a higher concentration of a single testosterone ester.

pullinbig is suggesting that you not mix _any_ of the different testosterone esters. Or if you do want to mix them, then make them up seperately and mix them in the syringe. And I agree.

Just go with testosterone cypionate or testosterone enanthate.

agreed. that way if the concentration is to high for you body, you can just take less of one or both instead of being stuck with 350mg/ml and having to try and dilute it out. i had thought about doing this with prop/tren, but as in this thread, Pullinbig and Mranak made perfect sense and convinced me to leave them seperate :devil2: