Unable to donate blood due to high BP - abandon cycle or adjust it

Ok.. Wtf is going on. . I wake up this morning and my BP is 125/85,, I haven't seen it that low in a long time. Yet yesterday , all day (checked prob 6 times plus the clinic checked it),, 180s/106.

Only thing I've changed in the last 24 hours is that I haven't taken Dbol, I've popped a couple diuretics, and I've taken 10 mg of THC last night (after reading that it lowers BP)..

Either Dbol really effects my BP or thc is great for reducing BP ... Think I'll just drop the Dbol for now

As for supplements I take for BP and cardiovascular - coq10 - potassium - turmeric - argenine - beet root juice - niacin - cialis. ...... I'll start adding in fish oil
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On a side note - my veins the last 18 hours or so, seem really small compared to what they usually are,, they are usually thick and popping out even without a pump,, they no longer are
Add Garlic either pills or raw cloves applecider vinnegar w
"With the mother" magnesium cinnamon and tren
On a side note - my veins the last 18 hours or so, seem really small compared to what they usually are,, they are usually thick and popping out even without a pump,, they no longer are

Glad to hear bp is down. You thinking the veins aren't popping 24/7 now because pressure is down? Sounds feasible to me
Your bp was at stroke levels before you took the diuretics. This is serious stuff. You should never go above 80 on your bottom number. Your trainning right ? Athletes should be in the 65 - 78
Your bp was at stroke levels before you took the diuretics. This is serious stuff. You should never go above 80 on your bottom number. Your trainning right ? Athletes should be in the 65 - 78

Yes I train 5-6 days a week-- BP always spikes on me when I'm blasting and bulking,, almost like my body doesn't want to get bigger.. I only weighed 147 lbs for years,, my body is fighting me tooth and nail not wanting to get to and maintain 200 lbs... It doesn't want to have to maintain a third more it's original body weight..

Update - I dropped the Dbol a few days ago, I doubled up on the amount of cardiovascular supplements im taking, I'm taking 200 mg of diereutic per day... I've removed salt completely out of diet,, eating more potassium based foods,, drinking a lot of water.
Oh yeah, and some THC at night.

Bp has gone down-- will be donating blood next week,,

So for now I'm running 400 mg of test , 400 mg deca, 400 mg NPP .. .5 mg AI m/w/f..
I think after I donate then I'll jump back on the Dbol 30 mg per day for 4 weeks,, will increase my AI dosage when I do.. Then after the Dbol is done will be adding primo and mast
Also I just started taking the sarm GW-50 .. Yesterday was my first dose,, not sure if this is coincidental or not, but my BP is always lower in the morning then it is late afternoon,, well yesterday afternoon, an hour or so after taking gw-50,, my BP was lower then what it was in the morning
Also I just started taking the sarm GW-50 .. Yesterday was my first dose,, not sure if this is coincidental or not, but my BP is always lower in the morning then it is late afternoon,, well yesterday afternoon, an hour or so after taking gw-50,, my BP was lower then what it was in the morning

Bp should be lower in morning due to lower blood volume and natural bp patterns. Not sure on the SARM add
Make sure the machine u ate using is probably calibrated some places u goto are iffy and I always ask them when it's been calibrated last as some machines have a bs reading
I love how no one realised you smoked some bud AKA had some THC haha. Ain't that funny...

But AFAIK Cannabis won't affect blood presure, if anything it temporarily raises it? MY money is on the fact that you dropped the dbol and included dieuretics and didn't have coffee that morning. Caffeine jacks my blood pressure on par with amphetamine personally.