uniquemicals ostra


New member
hey guys I am going to order some sarms
I am thinking to buy from uniquemicals as they have very cheap rate
I always order in bulk
so I want to make sure I am ordering legit
please state your experiences and opinions
thank you in advance

my status
age 23
173lbs 13-14% body fat
doing lifting from 8 years
I just got some more from them for my lab resurch....looking to start an epic 8 week run @ 25mgs....should be interesting....probably stacking some s4 with it 4 days a week @ 40mgs PWO
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Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator S.A.R.M. It acts on the androgen receptor much like steroids without the suppression of natural test production.....and lots of other things....google brother
Thanks, I remember seeing someone post what the Sarm meant but not exactly in english what it accomplishes. Ill check it out now.
Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator S.A.R.M. It acts on the androgen receptor much like steroids without the suppression of natural test production.....and lots of other things....google brother

I agree this site how the best info hands down on sarms.

if your looking to try some out def give uniquemicals a look over.
Yeah I would have to agree about Uniq's osta. Been using them for more than year now and I have never had any issues with them.