UniversalKits vs Researchology...Heads Up

I think they all use the same supplier because its quite odd that several companys are having problems delivering. it took two months for Universal to deliver my shit and it was short one thing im still waiting for that.
tuesday night nothing still now pushing a month since i ordered. I sent emails to the address Lion gave me to use and have not heard anything back from the sales dept. all I can do is sit and wait
wednesday and still nothing, dont get me wrong there service has always been top notch, just seems as if i have slipped through the cracks or something. keep u guys up to date on it
Lol @ the variety of responses. You guys that are getting your orders slow, you probably had an item on there that was not in stock. Theyre not gonna split your order and pay for shipping twice. They will ship the whole order when everything is in stock. They probably get sick of the constant emails since its probably a one or two person operation.
I just got my post cycle therapy (pct) combo. I ordered it on Saturday and it is here today. Thanks research-ology.
Just Got An Updated Email Form Them Saying It Was Shipped With A Tracking Number. Let You Know When It Gets Here