unorthodox cycle - help please (triptorelin, ghrp-6)


New member
this is by no means a traditional cycle i just didn't know what else to call it.. my goal is to do a super PCT and then try something i've never done before. i've done reading and i have a plan but i know someone with more experience will have some advice.

i just ordered:
1 vial of 5mg triptorelin
2 vials of liquid amoxifen Citrate [20mg x 60ml]
3 vials of 5mg GHRP-6

my plan which im sure is flawed:
-do the whole 5mg of triptorelin at once (correct dosage?)

-begin nolva immediately. (2ccs = 2ml? = 40mg nolvadex?)

-once test levels feel strong, begin GHRP-6..the vials are 5mg each.. and i read that "intake is saturated" at 100mcg per shot. any idea how to convert mg to mcg? any advice on how much water to put in each vial and measuring?

thanks in advance, after telling me once i wont have to learn again. i can tell you which sites i ordered my stuff from but im not sure if im allowed to. i spent a little over $100 on all this including shipping..

if everything comes in the mail i will make another order, one of these sites has combo packages that include cjc, ghrp, and igf.. anyone have experience with igf? anybody have before/after pics of people that GH or IGF? can you point out an obvious GH user or IGF user like you can a test user?

i know a guy who has grown from a scrawny little kid into a large man from just taking GH and eating a lot. the guy he gets it from happens to be about 6'5" too. ive never used peptides before and i'm nervous, but have used AAS and it was extremely simple after the first time
what is your test dosage and how long are you running it?

1000mcg = 100mg

triptorelin is iffy bro. Helps some but not others. The best dosage to do that at is 100mcg no more no less. Def dont do the 5mg, I believe thats 500mcg which wouldnt be good.

you proly couldnt pick out a gh user unless they were really abusing the stuff. Gh isnt gonna make you huge really. Yes it creates new muscle cells but it doesnt create huge muscle cells. Aas and training makes those cells bigger

I would start at a smaller dose of the ghrp if you havnt done it before.

Ive done igflr3 at 80mcg a day and I wasnt to crazy about it. I prefer gh but some guys like those peptides alot

oh and your super pct isnt so super lol get some clomid and run it at 50/50/50/50 and nolva at 40/40/20/20. Thats a standard pct
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the whole 5mg of triptorelin at once (correct dosage?) man this will surge but not for what your looking for I'm not quite sure what your aiming at but this is a mess
and your not gonna want to do the trip till the day your suppose to start post cycle therapy (pct). Then start pct 4 days after the trip shot
what is your test dosage and how long are you running it?

1000mcg = 100mg

triptorelin is iffy bro. Helps some but not others. The best dosage to do that at is 100mg no more no less. Def dont do the 5mg, I believe thats 500mcg which wouldnt be good.

you proly couldnt pick out a gh user unless they were really abusing the stuff. Gh isnt gonna make you huge really. Yes it creates new muscle cells but it doesnt create huge muscle cells. Aas and training makes those cells bigger

I would start at a smaller dose of the ghrp if you havnt done it before.

Ive done igflr3 at 80mcg a day and I wasnt to crazy about it. I prefer gh but some guys like those peptides alot

oh and your super pct isnt so super lol get some clomid and run it at 50/50/50/50 and nolva at 40/40/20/20. Thats a standard pct

i havent been on any AAS in a while i just don't feel fully recovered. i want to have good test levels for when i have my artificial growth spurt.
on this website it says 5mg = 5000 mcg.. but you say 5mg = 50 mcg (100mg=1000mcg)

i'm confused.. my 5mg bottle either has 1/2 a dose or 50 doses..

could someone walk me through how to mix and dose it? i'm having a hard time with the math.. mg per ml was easy.. and im sure if someone explains how to do this i will understand quickly. i just want that 1 100mcg dose then i will throw the rest away

also.. why is clomid necessary, aren't they both SERMS? couldn't i just take extra nolva instead? i feel about 75% to normal test levels so any extra recovery is a bonus.

so please, what would you do to turn that 5mg triptorelin powder into 100mcg ready to inject.. and same for the 5mg GHRP-6 vials.. i will learn from your explanation and never have to ask again :)

so trip must be suppressive like hcg.. unfortunaly im not cycling but i still want to use it to help my balls grow. so it will be the cycle in it's self.. trip then nolva 4 days after unless gyno flares

i would like to cycle but cant find any here in phx az so im just going for good natty levels
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ya i missed a zero in my math above...5mg is ya you bought a shit ton lol

what your gonna do is take 5ml of bac water and inject it into the vial. That will give you 1000mcg per each ml. So to get a 100mcg you will only draw up a tenth of a ml for injection. Same for ghrp. I used 5ml of bac water to make it easy math. Like I said though your proly not going to want to start with 100mcg of ghrp.

The reason clomid and nolva is best is because they both work on the pituitary gland differently stimulating the hpta to signal your testicles to make testosterone.

You need to get your blood work done bro. You cant just go off feeling alone to tell you that you are recovered.
you are the bomb man. thank you so much.. sites such as this have come a long way.. it's nice to get help instead of just being called names and insulted. good to have some peace of mind on the math inconsistencies.

so using a regular pin, 1/10th of a ml is the smallest increment possible. it's almost nothing. would i also want to draw up some plain water in the pin before hand to make sure none gets wasted? or put 10ml of water and take 2/10ths instead of 1? i am planning on doing it IM like a regular AAS injection. i feel like thats pretty much covered.

i could order some insulin pins but i feel more comfortable with the regular ones that i know.. and using that method 1/10th of a ml is the smallest increment i could use. so you think i should put 10ml water in the ghrp and take 1/10th ml for 50mcg to start. are the effects going to be that strong? i thought it was very mild with increased appetite being the main effect. with these 3 5mg ghrp-6 i will be able to stay on this stuff for a long period of time i'm guessing. i will need to order more pins, which i might as well get slin pins to lessen the pain. then i will have to learn how to dose all over again :crying:

i will keep you all updated with before/after pics if you want
yes, please do very interested in peptides but need to know a lot, good thread look forward to results good luck
the whole 5mg of triptorelin at once (correct dosage?) man this will surge but not for what your looking for I'm not quite sure what your aiming at but this is a mess

5mg of trip wil castrate you, literally. thats what trip is used for, to chemically castrate animals and men. it over stimulates the pituitary, causing it to stop sending out lh and FSH, permenantly
1/10 of a ml at my mixture ratio is just fine. The actual volume that you inject is not a big deal. You can use regular pins if you want

and its always better to start a new peptide on the lower side so you can see how you react
what is your test dosage and how long are you running it?

1000mcg = 100mg

triptorelin is iffy bro. Helps some but not others. The best dosage to do that at is 100mg no more no less. Def dont do the 5mg, I believe thats 500mcg which wouldnt be good.

you proly couldnt pick out a gh user unless they were really abusing the stuff. Gh isnt gonna make you huge really. Yes it creates new muscle cells but it doesnt create huge muscle cells. Aas and training makes those cells bigger

I would start at a smaller dose of the ghrp if you havnt done it before.

Ive done igflr3 at 80mcg a day and I wasnt to crazy about it. I prefer gh but some guys like those peptides alot

oh and your super post cycle therapy (pct) isnt so super lol get some clomid and run it at 50/50/50/50 and nolva at 40/40/20/20. Thats a standard post cycle therapy (pct)
100mcg of gnrh is the recomended dose
det seriously bro just chill. You did not read my post accurately. I said mix 5mg of trip with 5ml of bac water which will give you 1000mcg of trip per 1 ml...then a tenth of a ml will give you tell me thats wrong and call me an idiot the post the post.

and why would you say that my other post is stupid? are you just trying to cause drama lol the actual volume of a substance does not matter...its the concentration that is the concern. So from the post I made above, if he injects a tenth of a ml then how is that bad? And if your talking about my warning to start peptides at a lower dose to see how you react is a bad idea then I feel that you are just trying to stir up drama because its never a good idea to jump head first into this.

I know your a well respected member here and Ive read alot of your posts but man just re read what I said and it will all get cleared up.