Unsponsored MK 2866-Ostarine by SarmSearch Log


New member
Hey there everybody I've recently started taking Ostarine to further my recomp. I will be taking 25mg ED for 8-12 weeks. Still debating on whether or not I want to stop at 8 or if I should push it out to 12 weeks for maximum results.
I'm 6 days in currently but I decided to start logging it just to have a point of reference to check back on.
Starting Stats:
Age: 24
Weight: Started at 190 before I took ostarine and cut down to 172lbs. Upped my calories so I'm hoping to gain just a little bit of weight because I'm hoping for the fat loss to kick in with keto + osta

In regards to lifting regimen I'm doing a 6 day PPL where I lift heavy on the first day and for volume the second.

I will post pictures a little farther in, but expect daily updates/EOD.

Day 6:
Just took my dosage of Osta after my bulletproof coffee and I'm about to go hit legs for the first time since I started my cycle. Haven't noticed anything really different in the gym yet which is understandable because most people don't report that they don't notice osta effects until at least week 2.
Nice! thanks for the log and looking forward to your updates!

Excited to see what it's all about!

Update: Just hit legs today and felt pretty energetic. Didn't really feel any different other than not being as tired at the end? Also, I haven't seen a too many detailed logs so I figured I'd help anybody out who's interested by doing so. As far as supplementation outside of the 25mg ED of Osta, I'm also taking the following:
3x1200mg L-Citrulline
1000mg L Arginine
1000mg Acetyl-L Carnitine
and 2 Mega-DHA fish oil(for the DHA effects on the brain)
That's usually my Pre-Workout supps alongside my bulletproof coffee. Also taking creatine in addition just because I've heard its a good addition with Osta.
Day 2 Update: Push workout in the gym today was nice and I felt full of energy until the end of the workout. Strength felt the same but I was able to do a few extra reps today. I have a soccer game tonight so I'll be resting all day until then.
Day 3(1 week since I started taking Osta): Pull workout today was solid, felt suuuper lethargic when I woke up and didn't really feel like lifting after my game last night because I'm super sore today. Surprisingly once I started to get a pump that all disappeared. Haven't really noticed anything yet from the Osta but from what I've researched week 2 is when you start to notice and 4 is when you start to transform... hoping that stays true.

Also, ordered 1 more bottle of ostarine from SarmsSearch to make it the full 8 weeks. Does anybody have any experience taking their Ostarine?
Just got my order in from Sarms Search in about 3 days so shout out to SS for how prompt they are! Day 11 of my Ostarine cycle and today was the first day I've really noticed a difference. Strength was around the same as usual but I felt like a beast because I didn't get tired whatsoever during my push workout. I had to stop myself from lifting more because I don't want to push myself this much so soon into my cycle. Will update tomorrow after my Pull day!
Very cool! We really appreciate you running this. I wish more people would purchase their own product and log it. More "real" sometimes than a sponsored log.

Ill post a link to this in the main forum.
Hows it going?

Sorry I've been busy with work and haven't had time to post. This is the first week I've really started to notice anything in the mirror but I'm starting to look different. Strength and stamina has been up but I've been feeling a lot more sore lately so I wonder if that's from the extra reps I'm getting out. From what research I've done week 4 is where is should hopefully start really kicking in so I will definitely keep you updated.
Sorry I've been busy with work and haven't had time to post. This is the first week I've really started to notice anything in the mirror but I'm starting to look different. Strength and stamina has been up but I've been feeling a lot more sore lately so I wonder if that's from the extra reps I'm getting out. From what research I've done week 4 is where is should hopefully start really kicking in so I will definitely keep you updated.

Cool. thanks sir. Please keep us updated. We love seeing feedback.