update on my cycle for people interested. might like some opinions or considerations


New member
ok so, some time ago i opened a thread to ask question for my first cycle, i have recived a bunch of great answers from a lot of vets of the forum and i have considered all of them, but after contacting my dealer ( he is now, he wasen't at the time of my first post,hence why i'm opening a new topic ) wich is also a veteran user of just about everything out there and talking with him about my general goals and preoccupation with sides ( to all of whom i'm very prone if you remember ) we opted to do a rotation of very mild very small doses cycles all year around of just about 3 weeks on and 4 off ( each with his mini pct ) with a full 6 week off "break" after every third rotation.

so right now i'm doing this

3 week cycle

250 test E every 10 days ( so 3 shots per cycle becouse i take one at day one, one at day 10 and one at day 20, of the 21 total days of the cycle,beeing 3 weeks )

plus 50 mg of Anavar everyday for the full duration of the cycle

plus Proviron 50 mg Eod , also for the full duration of cycle

mini pct is

week 4 and 5 nothing, since i'm using long ester

week 6 and 7 ( nolva + clomid 20 mg each ed )

than repeat as above 2 times ( both cycle and mini pct each time of course only the third and final pct times happens during the "break" period wich is as said above

6 weak splitted in 2 week nothing after last pin of the cycle to let the eastr go out, 2 week pct ( the one above ) 2 week nothing

than start again with the 3 mini cycle rotation

to remmber you my goals and stats i have just turned 26. i'm 6,0 ft 191-193 lbs, 5 year under my belt as a natural ( before first pin wich was almost 20 days ago now )

my goals ar still mantain my exact bodywight or put 3-7 lbs at most while dropping ( and staying ) under 8% bf, With the most hard tight and vascular look i can get.

i'm around 11-12% bf right now.

oh i also forgot i take consistently both ECA and clen in 1 weak rotation each ( 1 weak eca, 1 weak clen, 1 weak pause, repeat ) for all the 3 cycle period

any consideration/tip you might wan't to share? thanks.
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In my opinion this is a total waste of time test e takes longer than 3 weeks to kick in then your off to a pct directly after??. You need to read up bro this Cycle is horrible and pointless. Do yourself a favor and stop everything pct and read up. You never take advice from anyone you need to do your own research. Whoever your supplier is has no idea what he is doing don't buy from him again. 250 is trt dose and pinning every 10 days is dumb. This is the type of thing that actually irritates me when I read people doing things like this. I'm not trying go blast you but this is very stupid.
Agree with big rich.

Why are you trying to reinvent the wheel?

Short cycles=short esters.

Try 8 week cycles with prop, followed by full pct followed by a full 10-12 weeks off to allow for full recovery. Likely your body won't recover fully in between these mini-cycles.
short cycle you could go with test prop tren A on tren A within 3.5 weeks I have gained 15lbs pretty solid and my waist is same so no fat no water I using 350mg weeks tren a, but for god sake dont use test e 3 week cycle it took me 5 weeks to notice any results from test e
Here's an idea OP: Stop getting advice from dealers. I know, they seem so warm and cuddly, offering to take care of you and claiming eons of experience in every possible way...

But it's often shit. Like the ridiculous shit storm you're on now.

Novel idea!

Testosterone ONLY, twelve weeks with an AI and HCG. Then follow up three weeks later with a PCT of nolva and clomid.

I know, it's not all fancy and has this intriguing little rotation, but I don't even want to speculate what that would do to your body - outside being worthless.

Oh, and short cycles CAN be done with long esters, it's just a bit more for advanced guys that can tolerate huge doses and can keep their shit together.

My .02c :)
but after contacting my dealer ( he is now, he wasen't at the time of my first post,hence why i'm opening a new topic ) wich is also a veteran user of just about everything out there and talking with him about my general goals and preoccupation with sides ( to all of whom i'm very prone if you remember ) we opted to do a rotation of very mild very small doses cycles all year around of just about 3 weeks on and 4 off.

interesting plan . sounds like your dealer hit the jack pot of being able to sell a noobie both gear year round and PCT drugs year round too . lol. your getting played dude
hm. you guys are probably right things is, i'm fucknig scared of getting sides if i run anything longer or at higher doses than this. like i'm REALLY prone to everything. i have like the worsto tolerance possible to sides EVER. i really don't feel so confident in upping ither the test dose or runnig a cycle far more than 4-5 week at the most.

do you think i could keep theese dosages, if i up the cycle a couple of weeks? like 5, 6 weeks at the most?
Also For MIlton, i just turned 26 last week. ( i feel pretty good right now actually, no sides at all so far, than again i AM taking the lowest doeses safest possible stuff and i'm not far in the cycle yet so..)
Agree with big rich.

Why are you trying to reinvent the wheel?

Short cycles=short esters.

Try 8 week cycles with prop, followed by full pct followed by a full 10-12 weeks off to allow for full recovery. Likely your body won't recover fully in between these mini-cycles.

well to be completely honest the idea was something along the lines of this: long easter stay in a little longer than 2 weeks after last pins, so the miny pct would be something more of a tamper for atrophy in preparation for the next 3 week cycle. in short i was trying a semi trt method of cycling...i mean i could go on full trt at that point but since i'm relatively young and don't plan still to have children for some time i would avoid becoming sterile too soon if possible. if it wasen't for that i would simply jump straight on trt at 250 a week and add here and there other compounds for short period of times when needed.

but probably this was not tought out as well as i immagined
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hm. you guys are probably right things is, i'm fucknig scared of getting sides if i run anything longer or at higher doses than this. like i'm REALLY prone to everything. i have like the worsto tolerance possible to sides EVER. i really don't feel so confident in upping ither the test dose or runnig a cycle far more than 4-5 week at the most.

do you think i could keep theese dosages, if i up the cycle a couple of weeks? like 5, 6 weeks at the most?

nothing wrong with short cycles ran with SHORT ESTERS. example . 6 weeks of test prop along with 4 weeks dbol or 5 weeks anavar. or 8 weeks test prop along side NPP. or Test prop along with Mast prop for 8 weeks.

short cycles can be ran with few side effects with proper ancillaries , and be very effective. but still need to do a proper pct and take enough time off to fully recover
nothing wrong with short cycles ran with SHORT ESTERS. example . 6 weeks of test prop along with 4 weeks dbol or 5 weeks anavar. or 8 weeks test prop along side NPP. or Test prop along with Mast prop for 8 weeks.

short cycles can be ran with few side effects with proper ancillaries , and be very effective. but still need to do a proper pct and take enough time off to fully recover

How do you know? Honestly dude when was the last time you actually did that?
How do you know? Honestly dude when was the last time you actually did that?

blasted a short ester for 6-8 weeks? I've done that plenty of times. test prop, npp, mast prop . as well as orals like dbol and tool (and the 'last time' I did that; hmmm . about 2 months ago, also doing the same thing right now)

edit note: of course I'm on Trt , so if I blast test prop for 6 weeks it does not take me long to get to super physiological levels, and I don't drop off quickly when done.

guys like Lee Priest are famous for doing short ester blasts of only 6-8 weeks at a time. and he looks better then any of us
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How do you know? Honestly dude when was the last time you actually did that?

with your experience I'm surprised you've never tried blasting short ester compounds for 6-8 weeks.. you just prefer to be on tren 24/7/365 instead ? you need to get out there and try some new shit dude :)