updated diet pics......


Community Veteran
Today, weighed in at 232lbs at 5'8"(that stat doesnt change much...). I think I am still about 13 weeks out, but have a lot more crap to lose in the meantime. I am actually kinda flat too, only eating around 250 carbs a day, and training twice a day and doing a total of an hour and twenty minutes of cardio each day....And due to weddings, camping trips, etc, have had 8 or so brutal cheat days, so all in all, I'm fairly happy with the progress
back still looks like a human sponge though

heres pre diet
pics of fat needsize

todays pics
Damn Needsize looking good man. How long have you been on this diet and what is the comp. weight your trying to get to?
riprockwell said:
Damn Needsize looking good man. How long have you been on this diet and what is the comp. weight your trying to get to?

7 weeks on the diet, trainer says I should end up at 198lbs when I drop the water, smaller than I hoped but I cant complain
Yeah, definitely cant complain @ 5'8 198. I can totally see the difference. The Abs, Chest and Quads definitely are coming along.
damn ns...you look massive, nice job. Whatd you run when you bulked up prior to this? Also, if you have a moment could you post a little bit of the diet your on, jw. Keep up the good work.
DirkMoneyshot said:
Way Way to much drop - but i've been telling you that forever.

Keep at it and in the end the results will pay off.

this time its laura binetti telling me I'm going to drop that much, and she knows a whole lot more about this than I do...I really was a fatass when I started this thing
Laura will have you ready no doubt, i just disagree with the methods of doing it.

Good Luck Needsize your going to be one conditioned and big 198 lb.
look very thick NS. 198? damn thats a lot of weight to drop from where you at now.

youve added some quality muscle in the last year. looking good.
DirkMoneyshot said:
Laura will have you ready no doubt, i just disagree with the methods of doing it.

Good Luck Needsize your going to be one conditioned and big 198 lb.

part of it may be I dont think i am quite as lean as I look in these pics, the lighting outside seems to always make me look leaner
Damn bro, you're gonna be one dense 198'er` for sure. Don't think the lighting could play that much a role, you've def leaned out some.
0nyx said:
laura binetti is going to be running some program at my gym :S...

your looking huge. gj

she is one hell of a trainer, I am pretty excited about working with her
looking good bro, your legs are huge. You should look really good when it all comes off.